

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Masks are dirty.


Build Worlds. Tell Stories. Live in the light.


Original created @ 

hi guys, been missing you, will be back soon 
*An illusion it will be, so large, so vast, it will escape their perception.
*Those who will see it will be thought of as insane.
*We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the connection between us.
*We will behave as if we are not connected, to keep the illusion alive.
*Our goal will be accomplished one drop at a time so as to never bring suspicion upon ourselves.
*This will also prevent them from seeing the changes as they occur.
*We will always stand above the relative field of their experience, for we know the secrets of the absolute.
*We will work together always and will remain bound by blood and secrecy.
*Death will come to he who speaks.
*We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak, while pretending to do the opposite.
*We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will never see what is happening.
*We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air.
*They will be blanketed by poisons every where they turn.
*The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds.
*We will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison.
*The poisons will be absorbed through their skin and mouths, they will destroy their minds and reproductive systems.

*From all this their children will be born dead, and we will conceal this information.
*The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them, in what they drink, eat, breath, and wear.
*We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons, for they can see far.
*We will teach them that the poisons are good, with fun images and musical tones.
*Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons.
*They will see our products used in film and will grow accustomed to them and will never know their true effects.
*When they give birth we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them it’s for their help.
*We will start early on, when their minds are young, we will target their children with what children love most, sweet things.
*When their teeth decay, we will fill them with metals that will kill their mind and steel their future.
*When their ability to learn has been affected, we will create medicine that will make them sicker and create *other diseases, for which we will create yet more medicine.
*We will render them docile and weak before us with our power.

*They will grow more depressed, slow and obese, and when they come to us for help, we will give them more poison.
*We will focus their attention towards money and material goods so they may never connect with their inner self.
*We will distract them with fornication, external pleasures, and games, so they may never be one with the oneness of it all.
*Their minds will belong to us and they will do what we say. If they refuse, we shall find ways to implement *mind-altering technology into their lives.
*We will use fear as our weapon.
*We will establish their governments and establish opposites within.
*We will own both sides. We will always hide our objective, but carry out our plan.
*They will perform the labor for us and we shall prosper from their toil.
*Our families must never mix with theirs.
*Our blood must be pure, always, for it is the way.
*We will make them kill each other when it suits us.
*We will keep them separated from the oneness by dogma and religion.
*We will control all aspects of their lives and tell them what to think and how.
*We will guide them kindly and gently, letting them think they are guiding themselves.
*We will foment animosity among them, through our factions.

*When a light shall shine among them, we shall extinguish it by ridicule, or death, whichever suits us best.
*We will make them rip each other’s hearts apart and kill their own children.
*We will accomplish this by using hate as our ally, anger as our friend.
*The hate will blind them totally, and never will they see that from their conflict, we emerge as their rulers.
*They will be busy killing each other.
*They will bathe in their own blood and kill their neighbors for as long as we see fit.
*We will benefit greatly from this, for they will not see us, for they cannot see us.
*We will continue to prosper from their wars and from their deaths.
*We shall repeat this over and over, until our ultimate goal is accomplished.
*We will continue to make them live in fear and anger through images and sounds.
*We will use all the tools we have to accomplish this. The tools will be provided by their labor.
*We will make them hate themselves and their neighbors.
*We will always hide the divine truth from them, that we are all one. This they must never know.
*They must never know that a man’s color is an illusion; they must always thing they are not equal.
*Drop by drop, drop by drop, we shall advance our goal.

*We will take over their land, resources, and wealth, to exercise total control over them.
*We will deceive them into accepting laws that will steal the little freedom they will have.
*We will establish a money system that will imprison them forever, keeping them and their children in debt.
*When they shall band together, we shall accuse them of crimes and present a different story to the world, for we shall own all the media.
*We will use our media to control the flow of information and their sentiment in our favor.
*When they shall rise up against us, we shall crush them like insects, for they are less than that.
*They will be helpless to do anything, for they will have no weapons.
*We will recruit some of them to help us carry out our plans.
*We will promise them eternal live, but eternal life they will never have, for they are no of us.
*The recruits will be called “initiates” and will be indoctrinated to believe false rites of passage to higher realms.
*Members of these groups will think they are one with us, never knowing the truth.
*They must never learn this truth, for they will turn against us.

*For their work they will be rewarded with earthly things and great titles, but never will they become *immortal and join us, never will they receive the light and travel to the stars.
*They will never reach the higher realms, for the killing of their own kind will prevent passage to that realm of enlightenment.
*This they will never know.
*The truth will be hidden in their face, so close they will be unable to focus upon it until it is too late.
*Oh yes, so grand will the illusion of freedom be, that they will never know they are our slaves.
*When all is in place, the reality we have created for them will be their prison.
*They will live in self-delusion.
*When our goal is accomplished, a new era of domination will begin.
*Their minds will be bound by their beliefs, the beliefs that we have established from time immemorial.
*But if they ever find out they are our equals, we shall perish then.
*This they must never know.
*If they ever find out that together they can vanquish us, they will take action.
*They must never, ever find out what we have done, for if they do, we shall have no place to run, for it will be easy to see who we are once the veil has fallen.
*Our actions shall have revealed who we are and they will hunt us down and no person shall give us shelter.
*This is the secret covenant by which we shall live the rest of our present and future lives, for this reality shall transcend many generations and life spans.

*This covenant is sealed by blood, our blood.
*We are the ones who from heaven to earth came.
*This covenant must never, ever be known to exist.
*It must never, ever be written or spoken of for if it is, the consciousness it will spawn will release the fury of the PRIME CREATOR/SOURCE upon us and we shall be cast into the depths from whence we came and remain there until the end of infinity itself.
Author: Unknown.

guys, the tiMe to waKe uP is nOw......
no one is coming to save us, we are all here to save ourselves,
remember, we have always had a CHOICE,
YOU have to choose the reality that you want to live in....
2 choices, you can live in 3d or you can choose 5d,
be a slave aGain or move on up to a muCh higher dimension, one that consists only of love  

StandUpX - Science Committee ... Dr. Kevin P. Corbett et al


Official challenge regarding the existence of "SARS-CoV-2" that is claimed to cause "COVID-19".

Letter: "Viral challenge to Boris Johnson"

Pdf: "Where is the evidence for the existence of the ‘novel coronavirus’, ‘SARS-CoV-2’?"

Crowdfunding: "The Coronavirus Act 2020 is Null and Void!"

Kate Shemirani Interview 27th Sept 2020 [ UK Report ]

Kate Shemirani was arrested and detained for 32 hours by the Met Police. Her crime? Speaking about COVID19 and challenging the official narrative.

Is speaking your mind now an arrestable offence in this once free nation?

Listen to Kate and judge for yourself.

An "Ascension Movement"... thoughts?


"Ascension movement...

Those who get the idea that we are multidimensional beings understand very well that when living in this 3D structure it's like having a foot in two different worlds. Meaning, it's real tough holding onto that experience of the multi-dimensional world when we live in a structure that supports enslavement, restriction and limitation. We're in a transitional phase. Many people who are experiencing this "foot in two different worlds" as I call it are always riding that razor's edge between the 3D structure and the higher multi-dimensional reality. Being around those who are not experiencing this similar reality will cause self doubt. This self doubt is poison to you, eradicate it, get rid of the fear. You must be disciplined to follow the guidance of your higher intuition. It really is simple but existing in a structure that doesn't support it makes it real tough.

Basically, we're fighting to stay awake when everybody is asleep. But, we all know that is changing and we're finding those who we resonate with and that is no coincidence. If the system has you completely exhausted pull yourself out of it, take a breather. We are being taken to our absolute limits. Hang in there and surround yourself and connect with those who keep you in check as much as you can. Just remember we're in a learn as you go process and it's not easy navigating between these two worlds. Be easy on yourself.

Many of you are here to ascend this planet, yes, but we are also here to experience density and living in a matter world. But, this particular group experiencing this higher consciousness will bring in this higher reality, this Ascension shift. The resistors will have absolutely no impact on this transition whatsoever.
Again, we are all from one source but humanity is infused with many different extraterrestrial traits and genetic makeup. Meaning, we all have a particular lineage and origin. We all have different extraterrestrial encodments and again that is no coincidence.

We need to understand that the human body, to an extent, was created as a rehabilitation center of extraterrestrial genetics this is why there is so much extraterrestrial genetics in us and why we are so popular by those who observe and abduct. The humans that have a contract with Earth to bring in this higher reality usually/not always are the ones being abducted and monitored. You are emissaries of Light and you are making way for this new paradigm. Look back 20 years ago this stuff that I'm talking about, that you all talk about was incredibly woo woo.

What I mean is look how much has changed and this is because of frequency and you who are anchoring it. Meaning, Doreen Virtue, Sylvia Browne, David Ike I could go on and on who all have been on the best sellers list. Again, this is no coincidence. But, within this spiritual awakening movement you must use discernment. Remember, things get infiltrated.

But, what's changing is we are becoming part of the life force instead of the anti-life force this is a major game changer. Instead of looking to the external, the addiction matrix which is energetic vampirism, parasitic we're beginning to trust the internal, our intuition. We need to understand that everything is about energy, everything is vibration and the external is either feeding on something which is parasitic... an emotional or energetic vampire if you will. This is why it is so challenging to exist in this reality. Meaning, it's key to listen and connect to your inner directive.

We're constantly deflecting the external world. But, the more we grab that higher frequency and absorb it, it will come forth through experience and that's how we learn. We evolve through experience. Also, we are beginning to understand the difference between the New Age movement let's say 20 years ago which, in my opinion, was candy coated meaning rainbows and butterflies to we must have accountability, responsibility to what we energetically pull in and that's all within us. It's not about the guru, it's not about the information, it's all about us. WE are bringing in this new reality period!! In a sense this view has been a little unpopular because like I said 20 years ago the Light movement was somewhat candy coated, but in my opinion, the whole movement back then just hadn't delved into the monumental effect frequency and vibration has on our reality. Hence, rainbows, unicorns and butterflies. 🌈 🦄 🦋

You have to admit it's a much different movement now. What I mean is we are beginning to look at the shadow and what you don't look at manipulates you. I've said this many times the Dark needs to be revealed and that's what's currently happening because if we don't reveal it, it continues to manipulate and control. If it stays hidden it remains in power. Basically, we need an informed aware population to understand the agenda of what has been going on in order to effectively deal with it. I believe this has been a serious issue within this New Age movement and some of us are here to change that. It is not about propagating fear because we will be more effective in our communities, groups and organizations if we understand this basic law of energy. Remember, when you're a pillar in your own Light you create the foundation of your house."

This commentary was posted at Facebook on Laura Magdalene Eisenhower's fan page..

Greg Hallett Begins 3 12 Interview with Dr. James Fetzer PhD

Joan Veon When Central Banks Rule the World Part 1

Joan Veon passed away in October 2010 after a battle with cancer.  Her legacy lives on and on...

through videos online and her books "Prince Charles: The Sustainable Prince" and "United Nations Global Strait Jacket"-- must read books.

Established in 1944 and named after the New Hampshire town where the agreements were made, Bretton Woods I created a system that made the dollar the reserve currency of the world. In addition, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank were established.

Globalization is the process of breaking through the protective barriers designed to separate the nation-states from the world system. Between 1944 and 2008 (BW I and II) all the nation-state barriers have been removed with exception of the national regulatory laws governing financial institutions, insurance companies, mortgages, and Wall Street.

The real purpose of BWII is to establish the framework for a global regulatory system. This also presents the possibility of merging all regional currencies into a global currency.

On the agenda for 2009 is the passing of the Treasury's "A Blueprint for a Modernized Financial Regulatory System", which transfer to the Federal Reserve the remaining financial assets of America, effectively gutting our country.
Joan Veon is a business woman, international journalist and renown expert in the areas of global economics, Sustainable Development, and the United Nations. Since 1994, Joan has covered 100 global meetings, seeking answers to the evolving economic trends, and many of the world issues we are faced with today.

Diana's Death: Excerpt from Hallett Report No. 8 - Greg Hallett

Greg Hallett Begins 2/12 Interview with Dr. James Fetzer PhD

Australia's Bassie Thoreau Makes Commentary on Facebook's "New Hallett Sovereign" page


Facebook page is not run by Greg Hallett...

Bassie Thoreau I am sick of my comments disappearing ..this chat group organizers are displaying biased info ..I have made 2 comments only one "reply" has surfaced of 11 comments
  • New Hallett Sovereign I can assure you the only people who are banned from group are the spammers that spam every post with abuse. Bassie your comments are always welcome!

Bassie Thoreau Lee Taylor The Constitution requires a QUEEN or a married KING - and Greg is married to a HABSBURG and has a HABSBURG daughter. Sure the whole system of events in world has changed with one person world power coming from Jerusalem and one world currency. FRANSISCO Manoel does not fill the position of MESSIAH -The Chabad Lubavitch Jewish sect have now become Christian -Judaic and they need their Messiah

Bassie Thoreau Lee Dawson - great piece of information about thise those who suffer Cancer. Diet must be alkaline ....STOP eating meat..sweets..dairy ....isolate from toxic people some some exercise such as beach walking on sand - if possible. These sufferers are such sweet kind people — they must learn to expel all that build up of deep deep resentment over many years ....its it’s ok to say F**ck off ....or “ shut up “ ..... don’t keep it in matter ....its it’s ok to express your opinion

Bassie Thoreau Why all the documents and the new Aramaic prayer ? It is easy to say “ bullshit” and “ not true” NO ONE SPENDS HIS ENTIRE ADULT LIFE REVEALING A “ fake royals “ story and gets away with it. Besides despite his non popularity - GREG HALLETT is still pursuing this matter of being a descendant of Anne Boleyn . I think these guys are in ADMIRALTY LAW and must “ bat” for HOLY ROME or lose their jobs they waver from yes and no - “ I believe in Greg”

Bassie Thoreau As for Victoria Australia— its it’s been confirmed Daniel Andrews is a CLONE .....or several clones .....At least Australia will be 2nd in line to receive 432hz broadband frequency from the converted 5G Tesla Towers .....USA- Aust- N Zealand that order

  • Bassie Thoreau Sussie Chandler It is both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Rabbi Jews - that rule world at very top of pyramid

Bassie Thoreau Another disturbing fact is that Daniel Andrews ls a Crypto Jew......ANDREWS IS A JEWISH SURNAME under code ) 063974 ........the names of his children are Noah Grace and Joseph and I think he was educated at the Marxist Brothers Galen Catholic College. ...Daniel Andrews no doubt has been set up by Melbourne Jew population.