

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Mount Allison University - Canada

A place where global citizens are 'manufactured'....

Canada's historical and legendary .. where you are global citizen on unceded territory [rev. perkin 2015] - Leighton Steward USA

Our Mission:
Our mission is to educate the public on the positive effects of additional atmospheric CO2 and help prevent the inadvertent negative impact to human, plant and animal life if we reduce CO2. 
#carbon tax is theft #plants need co2 #carbon is not a pollutant

Canada is a carbon sink... stop the scam!

Friday, March 29, 2019

#UN Exit .. #UN Women ... ?

#Stop Agenda 2030 sustainable development global governance social engineers


Steve Sailer, USA

Xurious - Which Way Western Man

Things You Should Ngo: The Swedish Jordan Peterson? feat. Göran Adamson

In this episode, Mr. Ngo interviewed Göran Adamson, a sociology professor at University West in Sweden. He’s been dubbed “the Swedish Jordan Peterson” for his controversial critiques of multiculturalism. He is the author of the 2015 book, “The Trojan Horse: A Leftist Critique of Multiculturalism in the West.” 

Sweden's Goran Adamson has another book coming out with a great title... very powerful .. "Masochist Nationalism - Multicultural Self-hatred and the Infatuation with the Exotic" . .. I think he has compared himself to Ricardo Duchesne .. not Jordan Peterson...

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Mr. (Angel-ina) Joe Lee, Voodoo and Celebrity Adoptions

Radical Social Justice Agenda - Prof. Ricardo Duchesne

PPC Rally in Saint John \ Rassemblement PPC à Saint John - Maxime Bernier

Official Store:
Site web:
Marchandise officiel:

MP Liz May - Fringe Green Party of Canada

After 35 years in Canada the fringe Green Party has only 19,000 members.. but those members appear to be very vocal and very connected and very militant .. I know they have influence with politicians via many funded non-governmental organizations NGOs that they promote - green cronyism.

Rick Mehta on Decolonization


Peter Joseph's latest project

Peter Joseph - Zeitgeist filmmaker's latest project....

"InterReflections 2019"

Owen Benjamin Finally Turns on Alex Jones❗❗❗

The JWO Agenda

United Abominations 2030 Agenda


Yentl is a play by Leah Napolin and Isaac Bashevis Singer. Based on Singer's short story "Yentl the Yeshiva Boy," it centers on a young girl who defies tradition by discussing and debating Jewish law and theology with her rabbi father. When he dies, she cuts her hair, dresses as a man, and sets out to find a yeshiva where she can continue to study Talmud and live secretly as a male named Anshel. 

When her study partner Avigdor discovers the truth, Yentl's assertions that she is "neither one sex nor the other" and has "the soul of a man in the body of a woman" suggest the character is undergoing a gender identity crisis, especially when she opts to remain living as Anshel for the rest of her life.

As early as 1968, Barbra Streisand had expressed interest in a film adaptation of Singer's short story. Using the Napolin/Singer play as her source material, she wrote a detailed forty-two page treatment, the first to conceive of the movie version as a musical. The resulting 1983 production veered dramatically from the original short story and play by allowing Yentl to reveal her true feelings for Avigdor and having her return to her female self and sail for the United States at the end.

David Irving - The 1956 Hungarian Uprising

Tim Moen - Libertarian Party of Canada leader

Canadian Immigration Policy Institute - Canada in Decay by Professor Ricardo Duchesne

May 24, 2018 at St. Andrew & St. David Historic Church, Germain Street, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada .. with Stephen Garvey - National Citizens Alliance Federal political party to discuss Professor Ricardo Duchesne's best-selling book "Canada In Decay: Mass Immigration, Diversity and the Ethnocide of EuroCanadians" 2017 from Black House Publishing UK..
Find the link for the full talk and Q&A at youtube "National Citizens Alliance" channel.

No Carbon Tax

Mashiach v Messiah, The Son of Man, Hallett ft Fetzer, Ep 7, 9 March 2019

Joseph Gregory Hallett interviewed by Dr Jim Fetzer on 9 March 2019: From the point of view of a lawyer reading the case, the predictions of the Jewish Mashiach, Christian Messiah, and Greek Christ are defined and decodified, then fulfilled in specific times, places and events of co-incidence fulfilling all the Jewish and Christian Typology Theology – happens in a future time in another place ... has this come at just the right time? …, Episode 7. 

The challenger is Emeritus Professor of the philosophy of science, Dr Jim Fetzer. His interviews can be found at

Canada First - Travis Patron - Canadian Nationalist Party

Travis Patron
The Canadian Nationalist Party is working hard to compete in the upcoming 2019 election. Before we can so however, we need to get registered with Elections Canada.
Our movement represents a revival of national identity. It is through our policies and vision of a better way of life for Canadians that we will form a majority government by electing candidates to our House of Commons.
We must recognize Canadians as a unique people, with a unique history, who have unique interests. Canadian law must always be respected as the supreme law of the land. Our political movement seeks to uphold these tenants and form a government which serves these interests exclusively.
If you are interested in learning more about our movement to nationalize our country and save it from the ill intentions of globalists, we ask you to call +1 (888) 505 - 9956 and leave a voicemail introducing yourself.
We will reply to your message within 24 hours. For more information,

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

We Can See Them

Fed Ice - The Definition of Controlled Opposition

Christopher Monckton - Agenda 21 and Environmental Marxism

On March 18, 2012 Lord Christopher Monckton spoke to supporters of the International Free Press Society - Canada at Windermere Manor in London, Ontario. Topics of his speech included the United Nations, environmentalism, science, reason, Agenda 21, Marxism, and Islam, as a major reason for the eventual downfall of the West

Now Agenda 2030.. steamrolling along to this day with little resistance / awareness.

The Three Amigos

The Anti Communitarian League vs Communitarianism

Numerology & Sacred Geometry Basics Explained - Jay Dyer

UK Government... & Brexit

Who controls the UK Government?

What is the delay on Brexit?

Protest Culture = Epic Fail.

National Citizens Alliance - Federal party - Canada's Election 2019

Replacement of Canadian People with Third World Migrants
The establishment and its multi-controlled opposition are literally replacing the people they are suppose to serve. This radical agenda is unprecedented in world history.
If sustained mass immigration continues, by 2100, 80% of Canada's population will be visible ethnic minority, while Canada's traditional will be 20%. (In 1960, Canada's traditional population was 97% of Canada's total population.) - Professor Eric Kaufmann, University of London
National Citizens Alliance is only federal party running in 2019 that will end mass immigration by reducing immigration to 50,000 or less in total per year, and stop the replacement. Through financial incentives, the NCA will encourage larger traditional families, and only use immigration as a supplement to the best interests of our people and country.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Dan Murray: Dissecting Canada's Failed Immigration System

President Obama and his Communitarian Backers

Axiom 3250 by Turkel Design

Send us a note to to join the TD Community – you’ll receive invitations to our open house events and even more behind-the-scenes footage. 

Designed specifically for steeper sites, this home steps up with a hillside, providing stability to steeper slopes by working with, rather than against, the landscape. Its low profile and possible green roofs ensure it blends elegantly into almost any natural environment.

By entering the home from the end rather than the center, the organization allows for easy access along a hillside, keeping driveways and entry paths out of the views that are maximized by the linear format. The stepped mass of the building creates ample roof terraces and a private outdoor courtyard separating the master suite and a beautiful studio/office.

For plans and more information, visit
Music: LEMMiNO - Infinity

Tantramar Landowners Association : Not Just a Mum but an NGO Mum : "Food Security"

Tantramar Landowners Association : Not Just a Mum but an NGO Mum : "Food Security": NGO - non governmental organization funded by YOUR government.....  NB Food Security  Action Network, an  NGO - Laura Reinsborough ...

Lindal Cedar Homes' founder Sir Walter Lindal

Fraser Anning Australia Does Not Take Kindly To Being Egged

Maxime Bernier's meme wars have begun ... #never scheerdeau

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Axiom 3250 by Turkel Design

Patrick Moore - The Power of Truth

Maxime Bernier on 2019 federal budget: 'It's irresponsible'

Communitarianism... brief tutorial in memes

��What it means to be European

The Fascinating Story of Indo-Europeans : RedIce.TV

IRREFUTABLE: Classified Free-Energy Technology

With 9-11, everybody around the planet can know that Free-Energy Technology exists.

Episode 0 OVERVIEW, as the IRREFUTABLE Series trailer, introduces many of the major elements required for knowing that Free-Energy Technology was used on 911.

P L E A S E - R E P O S T - A N D - S H A R E
Downloading, copying, distributing, reposting - sharing of all forms and fashions is highly encouraged. We ask only for a link to

L E A R N - A L L - T H E - D E T A I L S - B U Y - T H E - B O O K

J O I N - T H E - D I S C U S S I O N - O N - F A C E B O O K

Keep Calm & Drill On Canada - ......

Monday, March 18, 2019

Kim Kardashian - Industry Insider's Personal Witness: Transvestigation!

Suckerpunch Original Sweet dreams (remix)

Nigel Farage: the betrayal of Brexit and what to do about it -- The Bren...


Pablo Neruda - POETRY

And it was at that age... Poetry arrived in search of me. I don't know, I don't know where it came from, from winter or a river.. I don't know how or when, no, they were not voices, they were not words, nor silence, but from a street I was summoned,from the branches of night, abruptly from the others, among violent fires or returning alone, there I was without a face and it touched me. I did not know what to say, my mouth had no way with names, my eyes were blind, and something started in my soul, fever or forgotten wings, and I made my own way, deciphering that fire, and I wrote the first faint line, faint, without substance, pure nonsense, pure wisdom of someone who knows nothing, and suddenly I saw the heavens unfastened, and open, planets, palpitating plantations, shadow perforated, riddled with arrows, fire and flowers, the winding night, the universe. And I, infinitesimal being, drunk with the great starry void, likeness, image of mystery, felt myself a pure part of the abyss, I wheeled with the stars, my heart broke loose on the wind.

Al Gore, Blowhard.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Will Canadian Conservatives Stop Genocide?

Canadian Conservatives Michelle Rempel, Andrew Scheer and Maxime Bernier were all asked to sponsor a petition before the House of Commons to save White South Africans from the final stages of genocide. All three refused! This video was taken in December 2018 and documents Andile Mngxitama, the leader and founder of pan-Africanist political party Black First Land First (BLF), speaking at a rally in the city of Potchefstroom where he promised that “for every one black person we will kill five white people.” And “We'll kill their children, we’ll kill their women, we’ll kill their dogs, we’ll kill their cats… we’ll kill anything we find in our way,”. Mngxitama went on with his furious tirade, rallying the crowds.

The Canadian MSM and mainstream politicians refuse to report or discuss the ongoing genocide in SA. Is it because of the color of their skin? Are Euro-Canadians facing a similar danger in the near future as they will only be a small minority by the end of this century?

Holodomor - Bitter Harvest

Small monuments... in the park.

Why is Canada providing foreign aid to China?

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Magnetics Researcher Dr. Eugene Podkletnov Interview

Part 1 of 5 parts.

#FreeHuanito - Rick Simpson supports Huanito Luksetić

Enoch Powell, “Rivers of Blood” and the Fate of White Canada: Part II

Enoch Powell, “Rivers of Blood” and the Fate of White Canada: Part II <--- CEC article

War for World Government: Cardinal Jean-Claude Turcotte

��YANG for Dummies

No More Sidelines

Nikola Tesla Walter Russell Wilhelm Reich John Searl Jason Verbelli
Fiat Lux --- Global BEM - 

Whites: On The Chopping Block

Friday, March 15, 2019

Mashiach v Messiah, The Son of Man, Hallett ft Fetzer, Ep 7, 9 March 2019

Joseph Gregory Hallett interviewed by Dr Jim Fetzer on 9 March 2019: From the point of view of a lawyer reading the case, the predictions of the Jewish Mashiach, Christian Messiah, and Greek Christ are defined and decodified, then fulfilled in specific times, places and events of co-incidence fulfilling all the Jewish and Christian Typology Theology – happens in a future time in another place ... has this come at just the right time? …, Episode 7. 

The challenger is Emeritus Professor of the philosophy of science, Dr Jim Fetzer. His interviews can be found at

The world needs more Canada....

��CNN will NEVER Show Real South Africa

Max Bernier, People's Party of Canada Speech Edmonton March 2019

Ricardo Duchesne on The Uniqueness of The West | TPS #343

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

"Infinite Saxon" - Vanguard & Xurious Music

Banned from Amazon .. The Culture of Critique - Kevin Macdonald

Orwellian times folks...

Population Replacement in Denmark: Can Those Responsible Be Tried for Treason

Patrick Wood: China, Dystopian Technocracy, and Global Governance

Never Scheerdeau

CNP Calling For Trudeau Resignation

If you support our movement to nationalize Canada, subscribe to our email list ( or become a party member (

The War on the Masculine and Feminine

Nature grants us masculine and feminine energies, the healthy interplay of which produces energy, spirit, a mysterious and life-affirming beauty and vigor. 

These energies, and the harmonious and productive family unit they serve to create, aren't conducive to the materialist and consumerist vision of the globalist ideology, and are thus under attack from every direction.

The cultural-marxist ethos underlying globalist thinking is unnatural, quite literally anti-nature... and need to be unmasked and fully understood. The ramifications, should they triumph, will be devastating... to individual, state, race and species. 

Men and women aren't meant to be enemy forces fighting for self-interest, but complementary forces, harmonizing to inspire and create.... its high time we rediscover our innate character.
A beautiful future awaits.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019


Liberty Freedom Consortium.....: What happens when you work for free? Fake economy....

Liberty Freedom Consortium.....: What happens when you work for free? Fake economy....: Sackville Commons & Coworking 5 hrs  ·  "Do you know this woman? She is our POWERHOUSE volunteer. Our Host Supervisor &...

------working people for no pay is abusive labour practice.. shut it down ..

Crony Capitalism & SNC-Lavalin

Eric Kaufmann Is White

Eric Kaufmann is the author of the book 'Whiteshift', wherein he explains how the ethnic cleansing of all European peoples from their own countries globally by mass immigration is inevitable, and how the growing discontent among White Europeans as they become conscious of that must be carefully managed with symbolic "White identity" political parties that give Whites the illusion of resisting the genocide of their entire race.

He likens White identity politics to alcohol, and argues that unless they act quickly to regulate and control the market for White identity by setting up controlled opposition parties and organizations (which he likens to liquor stores and industry regulations), then "bootleggers" are going to offer White European people a stronger product that could potentially put an end to mass immigration.

Kaufmann also states that "brown people" will be the new White people within a couple of decades, that the new "mixed race majority" of "brown" people will be considered White.

View the full TVO interview here:

Anti-white lecture at UNB Canada FULL

This lecture entitled "What does whiteness do?" was given by Dr. Erin Morton as a part of the "Feminist lunch series" seminars at the University of New Brunswick on January 22, 2018. It features terms now in use in Canadian academia, such as "decolonization" and "indigenization".

It is 90% academic sounding 
babble, she doesn't seem to make many cogent points. Once I have some time I will extract whatever gems I can from this and do something with it.

Michael Tsarion : Evil People

Gerald Schwartz: The Wannabe Curly-Haired King of Canada

Gerald Schwartz: The Wannabe Curly-Haired King of Canada <-- CEC article.

Monday, March 11, 2019

" Tax Cuts " - Maxime Bernier - People's Party of Canada PPC - Election 2019

I'm for smaller government and more freedom — that's why I'm proposing tax cuts for every single Canadian. Are you with me? - Maxime Bernier, MP of Beauce, Quebec
and leader of the new "People's Party of Canada" federal election 2019