This Secret Space Program Presentation was dedicated by Mark to his friend who was a very talented young filmmaker named James Allen Higgins.... who died suddenly & mysteriously...
â–¶ XZRS: Mark McCandlish -The Suspicious Death of A Young Filmmaker (
This 2014 presentation took place in San Mateo California USA in peace Mark McCandlish.. death by 'shotgun blast to the head?'
"5.21.21 BREAKING NEWS: According to a key source: Mark Mccandlish offered to give testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee and contacted Marco Rubio on this just prior to his death… His potential testimony along with his obsession with building the ARV probably got him killed. Just as it got Gordon Novel killed. And James Allen the director of the film Zero Point (all about Mark McCandlish). This is no distraction or disclosure dog and pony show… This is also about THE TRUMP CARD that Trump is holding—his ties to Nikola Tesla and this tech. And this is all about bringing Zero Point energy into the public and the battle to keep it quiet.
–KERRY CASSIDY @ PROJECT CAMELOT" in remembrance at Global Breakthrough Energy Movement...
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