

Monday, November 30, 2020

Climate Change Mis-Education in New Brunswick: Administration deals with Technocrats Pushing Into Schools with NGOs and funded minions

Salem Elementary School principal Ada Phinney should spend some of her considerably large paycheques and invest in a few good books starting with Dr. Tim Ball.. why? Because you can't have a conversation about climate if you don't understand simple and basic facts about the 'climate change propaganda scam/hoax'.. so please do your due diligence... as WISE educators/well paid minions.  Please stop the campaign of fear-mongering in the schools.. its abusive and unnecessary.. and please stop allowing the NGO non-governmental organizations access to our children in your care.

Safe, Healthy Schools Advocacy since 2011: Communitarian Speak from Obediant Susan Lafford - ...

Safe, Healthy Schools Advocacy since 2011: Communitarian Speak from Obediant Susan Lafford - ...: creepy facemask artwork at Tantramar Regional High School in 2020 the graduates were asked to sign this in some strange occult ritual! Her ...

Biden Lovin' Cartoonist vs. Biden Wise Memes


Build Back Better? 6uild 6ack 6etter - 666 beast system creepers.

Donald J. Trump Twitter - James O'Keefe - Project Veritas - Voter Fraud


Congratulations to on exposing more Democrat voter fraud. was caught red handed telling people to vote twice.

Who Will Take Care of the Poor? Tim Moen,

Mount Allison University Alumni Michael De Adder's Strange Creations

 Based in Halifax Nova Scotia, Michael churns out a lot of propaganda cartoons and it pays him very well.  UN Agenda 2030 art anyone? Maybe all those years of guzzling the fluoridated HRM water was bad for his mental health.. just sayin.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Civilian Intelligence Network - Canada - Shawn Paul Melville


Civilian Intelligence Network, publisher/editor Shawn Paul Melville, New Glasgow, Nova Scotia.

KingJohnTheThird.UK - Joseph Gregory Hallett on youtube


The 'community' is a dictatorship - know their lingo yet?!


At "Tidewater Books" on Bridge Street
Sackville New Brunswick
displays "community commitment" signage - 
store owner is Ellen Pickle, who is married to
Town of Sackville's Mayor Ron Aiken
a technocrat and proponent of 'Sustainable 
Sackville' and the "Climate Action Plan"
which are UN Agenda 2030.. 
"Rigorous Ron"...

Ron was not elected Mayor, but appointed
- election 2020 did not happen
- technocracy runs the town
- business by online meetings exclude
the general public attending ...
Ron Aiken is a retired professor from
Mount Allison University = technocracy is
a supremicist ideology; as is communitarianism.
UN Agenda 2030 is supremicists' game plan.

Half a dozen of these very large signs were erected around their campus in 2020 at Mount Allison University to indicate a 'community commitment' requirement of all who attend and work there.. ie.


Communitarianism is a supremicist ideology.
Requirement of 'community face mask' is absurd.

AV10 - John Smith - Common Law Courts

PRESS Core - Paul W. Kincaid Twitter

#moncton #newbrunswick #canada News, Bulletins, Investigative Reports & Special Reports on Government & Police Treachery & Corruption by CI Paul W Kincaid

Nick Griffin Explains The "Offer" BNP Received In 2007 (MIRROR) -

Murray Schwann - Twitter notables...


Saturday, November 28, 2020

Selective Editing By CTV News On LTC Deaths -

December 25th Coronation of New King for the New Age - Joseph Gregory Hallett -

How does Exilarch Friday, December 25th, 2020 sound to everyone?

Thinking face

I suspect the roads will be mostly empty that day..

Left-pointing magnifying glass

With the Coronation Stone in hand, the plan will proceed under the supervision of a Special Operations team who will move the Coronation Regalia from the Tower of London across town to Westminster Abbey where King Edward's Chair resides.

Now that Greg Hallett has the Coronation Stone in hand, I anticipate that his Coronation will happen sometime after the 21st of December, 2020. Israeli scholars have been anticipating the return of Or HaGanuz, which is the manifestation of Source Energy.

"We are at the pinnacle of the sick world. We're absolutely at the apex of the sick world, and either we die or we reclaim." - Greg Hallett

Technocracy and the Great Reset

The Most "Woke" Thanksgiving Ever and New UN Censorship Rules

1.66K subscribers
If you are alone this Thanksgiving Holiday, and you can't travel, we are working hard on that. #UTN #LibertySentinel #BlackFriday