

Monday, October 7, 2019

The Black Cat - Bonnie Russell & Masked Agitator @ "Halifax Against Hate" - Identity Unknown - Canada

Who is the masked man? Tips or information wanted for 'leader with megaphone' who is inciting hatred and violence against National Citizens Alliance, Stephen Garvey.. has connections with "Solidarity Halifax" - possible university connections with agitators and connections with NDP - anonymous tips welcome.

"The Black Cat" is a Halifax media outlet with connections... and funding?

Photography below by Bonnie Russell, "The Black Cat" indie media - based in Halifax... Website: [ Bonnie Russell with Peter Fajner ]

Peter Fajner

Web & IT

Peter is the one who put this website together, from scratch! He has a background in computer science from both academic and hobby experience. He is often the tech support guy for The Black Cat, and does a great job dealing with grand (and sometimes impossible) requests for the website's functionality. [ Bonnie's tweets are marked private now]

One possible guess:  "Andy L'Etat" ..

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