

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

What's "Turning Point" New Brunswick? Shawn Mesheau Town Councillor

Masking and fear in Tantramar.. a very odd time in the region.

More shit communitarian network minions are up to...
"Turning Point - Fiscal Realities" .... a youtube video shows what the bolsheviks are up to in New Brunswick Canada.  The Town Councillor Shawn Mesheau posted this video on his Facebook page recently... watch at this link:

Shawn wants people wearing masks as well.. he is a very obediant doggo.
On his page:

So apparently the province has changed there mind on the wearing of face masks in buildings open to the public.
Please remember though that when you wear a mask you are being considerate. As you may be A Symptomatic and spread the virus unknowingly.
I know I wear one both when at work and when I need to be out to conduct my essential business.

Shawn is not exactly in the loop with the local taxpayers and working class Canadians in his region.  Is he being used for the UN Agenda 2030 efforts? Yes. Technocracy wants a completely planned controlled economy.  "Start Ups" are part of their agenda for control/management.

Its fair to say that Shawn is a useful idiot for the technocRATS at this point.

Read up at Patrick Wood's site to understand their agenda.

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