

Monday, August 10, 2020

Messaging from Derek Sloan, Canadian politician, leadership candidate for the Conservative Party, Father of 3, Husband, Member of Parliament

 I am the only CPC leadership candidate who has come out and said I will oppose any mandatory vaccinations.

Whether or not the Liberal government is planning on making a COVID-19 vaccine mandatory is a very serious question we need to start asking.

Back on June 2, we learned that Canada had ordered 37 million sets of syringes, alcohol swabs, and bandages. Then on July 21, we were informed that another 38 million had been ordered.

By the end of October, when delivery is promised, Canada will have enough syringes to give every Canadian two doses of something, and it isn’t hard to imagine what they are anticipating that might be.

Team Trudeau’s pursuit of a COVID-19 vaccine has been as strange and indecisive as so many of their other pandemic policies. They began by working with a Chinese company affiliated with the People’s Liberation Army!

That partnership proved fruitless, and now Team Trudeau has signed vaccine deals with two pharmaceutical heavyweights, Pfizer and Moderna.

But if a COVID-19 vaccine is produced, is the Liberal government planning on mandating it? Is that why those syringes were ordered?

Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry Navdeep Bains recently had this to say:

“With regards to making it mandatory/keeping it voluntarily [sic], that’s something that we’ll closely work with Dr. Tam and Minister Hajdu on, to determine when we get to that stage how to proceed.”

To any Canadian who has been paying attention, these are not reassuring words.

Both Dr. Tam and Hajdu have severe credibility issues and should have been relieved of their duties long ago.

There have been multiple flip-flops on travel bans, face masks, and other policies. They have failed to put the best interests of Canadians ahead of blindly following the directives of the World Health Organization, which serves the interests of Communist China.

What decision are Dr. Tam and Hajdu going to make when it comes to making a vaccine mandatory? The decision should be made based on science, but I fear it will be made based on political control.

This pandemic has brought out the autocrat in far too many Canadian politicians of every ideological stripe and at every level of government. 

Even Ontario Premier Doug Ford, thought to be a true conservative, has used the health crisis as an excuse to extend his emergency powers unreasonably, and he booted Belinda Karahalios, the solitary Progressive Conservative MPP with the courage to vote against that maneuver, out of his caucus.

Too many people in power have had a taste of greater power and are now embracing the idea of ruling over us, rather than governing.

In the hands of such people, things like masks and vaccines become tools of control, not enhancers of health.

Canada may have 75 million syringes, but it should NEVER have a policy of making a COVID-19 vaccination, currently being developed in a rush, mandatory for all Canadians.

We must now, more than ever, speak out against government overreach that uses this public health crisis as a cover to “temporarily” remove liberties that will never be restored.

I remain 100% against mandating masks in Canada.

I remain 100% in favour of letting Canadians decided for themselves and their children whether they want to take a COVID-19 vaccine, if and when one is developed.

I remain 100% vigilant against the erosion of Canadian civil liberties.

Derek Sloan

Conservative. Without Apology

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