

Saturday, October 13, 2018

MadMax - People's Party of Canada - new federal leader Maxime Bernier

"The UN is a useless joke. Justin Trudeau keeps wasting Canadian taxpayers money abroad trying to get his seat at the UN Security Council. Instead, we should reassert our sovereignty and stop pretending that this corrupt international bureaucracy has any credibility." - Maxime Bernier, PPC

Maxime writes... "What is the real purpose of carbon taxes? Is it about the climate or just about raising $? 
It’s interesting that six years ago, the UN was calling for a $25/tonne tax on emissions in rich countries to fund wasteful “development” programs in poor ones. "
À quoi servent vraiment les taxes sur le carbone? Ça a rapport au climat ou c'est juste pour prélever plus d’argent? Intéressant de noter qu’il y a 6 ans, l’ONU proposait une taxe de 25$/tonne sur les GES dans les pays riches pour financer l’aide au «développement». 


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