

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Updated: Elaine Dewar - "Cloak of Green" , 1995, Lorimer Publishing Halifax NS Canada

Catch up with journalist/author in Canada Elaine Dewar at her blog:

Good to see Alison McDowell take note of this book today!  Thanks for spreading the word Alison.
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IndieMediaEastcoast Canada says:

Brazil was key with the UN Agenda 21 years ago…. I was just allowed back on Twitter and was asking Jason Bosch on Twitter if he had read Elaine Dewar’s book “Cloak of Green” 1995? I had been recommended the book about 10 years ago and then one day around 2014 I found a copy at the library at Mount Allison University and it had not been checked out since the 90s…. ordered some copies from the local bookseller but its difficult to find and costs a lot on Amazon … this sort of important book about the UN and NGOs from Elaine -she put up with a lot of abuse for writing it– is why what Cory Morningstar says of “woman to the front” is so important and probably Cory knows of the book but its another case of the woman who truth tells being attacked.. and David Suzuki being worshipped in Canadian society instead of Dewar for her journalistic efforts.. One quote that stood out: “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” – Maurice Strong

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