

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Alan Park's GiveSendGo - Help Crush Cancer "Green Crush" Podcaster Calls for Support


GiveSendGo - Help Crush Cancer: The #1 Free Christian Fundraising Site.

From Leafly magazine, the backstory of my 2 "terminal" cancer battles commencing throughout 2013, hitting back hard in early 2015: and by 2018, completely destroying my married life my bank account and ending my 'jobs' in Canadian showbiz.  
By July 2015, I was good, healthy and clear - so it seemed - until a late December 2018 'medical error' plunged me back as deep into hole as I'd ever been. After pulling through most of that backslide again to death's door again, I accepted the invitation of a Jamaican/Canadian based, organic cannabis grower. HIs offer was simple:
'Come and stay onsite, away from regular daily life, ingest carefully crafted full spectrum cannabis oil for 3 months, detail it, and then write your book.' The turnaround in my body from just a few weeks on this regimen, was astounding enough that some of the observant local Jamaicans, marvelling that a few weeks earlier I had required canes to walk, started to call me, 'Dead Mon'. 

I wrote about this journey, to a point. You see, the first cannabis-kills-cancer in 2013-2014 had me surrounded by my partner and her family, none of who were keen to use this substance or continue using it once i 'got better'. Saving my life in this way, in the midst of skeptical unfriendly supporters is counter productive. 2nd time, earned great results from Sept. 2016 until March 2017, I was still married and with a home.
Returning to Toronto from Jamaica, I was tested in the hospital in 2019, and upon finding within me the elevated cannabis oil levels, they branded me 'suicidal' a bogus claim dripping with irony. 
Anyhow, I have never finished what I set out to do: Crush the cancer, detail the journey, and write about it in a book so that others may benefit. 
Like a chainsaw, cannabis is a tool to be used properly, otherwise it can be very dangerous. I learned this information simply by reading Genesis chapter 1, 11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.
12 And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

Talking about my successes with the protocol provided with a seed God said was good, you'd think that would be great. And it is, until employers won't employ, and disbelieving friends write you off as crazy - or they simply allege, 'Well, the cancer can't be as bad as you claim.' 
Really? Thanks for the galighting of an 'aggressive, advanced, Stage4 prostate cancer which had already metastasized throughout most of my skeletal structure', and caused a highly respected prostate surgeon in 2013, to hand me, '10 to 12 months, tops'. 
In conclusion, it's Spring 2020 and God please help me, the Reaper is once again trying to take me. I am fully without financial resources, denied proper consideration and care from the 'Health' system and seek support to once again run this life-saving protocol to it's optimum degree. Requested funds will cover source materials including organic veg, a modest roof overhead, and the chance to kill this monster once and for all, leaving me available to share the story of how to everyone who is interested. If I knew in 1996 what I do now, perhaps I could have saved my mother from her fatal pancreatic cancer. RIP mom, 26 years gone. Miss you I really do, but I'd like more time here before we re-connect.  

See also Common Law Court's "CLC.Healthcare":

"First Immune" on youtube

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