On May 24th, 2011 We Are Change Calgary met with David Keith professor of Earth Sciences at University of Calgary, who was featured in the film "What in the World are They Spraying" outlining proposals for aerosol spraying programs that may use alumina particles to reflect the sun to help combat "Global Warming." David Keith has stated he has not seen the film and that he would not want to see it because the producer is biased in his opinion and built the evidence around the conclusion and not the other way around.
The meeting was attended by about 10 We Are Change Calgary members, and David Keith and his Assistants Hollie Roberts and Ashley Mercer (who works on public perception of geo-engineering) . David Keith has always denied that Chemtrail spraying operations are ongoing, while promoting Geo-engineering "proposals". We must remember that in a CFR meeting it was stated that there were Tens of Millions spent on confusing the public about Geo-engineering.
One of Davids main arguments in the meeting is, if there was a large scale chemtrail program that we would have to know about it. He states the paper trail would simply be too large, and there would be too many employees that would blow the whistle. We know this is simply not true because there have been countless large scale military operations that have been completely secret and confidential.
David Keith claims there is no evidence to even suggest that Chemtrail operations are ongoing, and that "Chemtrails" have been observed since the 1950's. He also claims the aerosol spraying campaigns he is researching would not look like the "Chemtrail" phenomenon. There is tons of evidence to support the Chemtrail "Theory" but he claims everything he gets sent as evidence is laughable and cannot be taken seriously.
The group is going to be meeting with David again, this time with some solid evidence. He stated in the meeting that if these chemtrail programs were ongoing and we could prove it to him, he would dedicate his life to exposing it. Hopefully at the next meeting David takes the proof presented and actually researches it instead of calling it a crazy conspiracy theory. To have David Keith working against Chemtrails would be a huge breakthrough in this issue.
I would like to thank David Keith, Ashley Mercer and Hollie Robers for taking the time to meet with We Are Change Calgary. I would also like to thank Michelle and Denise for setting up the meeting, and every member of We Are Change that showed up to the meeting. Special thanks goes to Michelle Robinson for recording the meeting on camera.
@DonnyHaze91 If you have any suggestions - perhaps the group here can help with information, links, leads, etc. I know the - U.K. House of Commons Science and Technology Committee - posted a PDF file *The Regulation of Geoengineering* where they do state that this is occurring "some—albeit very small scale—geoengineering testing is already underway". No doubt you've seen that file.
I also want to say thanks for pointing out Dr. Judy Woods' investigation. This is extremely important info.
David Keith is now a good doggo at Harvard
Carbon capture enterpriser ROFLMAO
The corruption knows no end in the land of climate shills
David Keith has worked near the interface between climate science, energy technology, and public policy for twenty-five years. Best known for his work on the science, technology, and public policy of solar geoengineering, David led the development of Harvard's Solar Geoengineering Research Program. He took first prize in Canada's national physics prize exam, won MIT's prize for excellence in experimental physics, and was one of TIME magazine's Heroes of the Environment. David is a Professor at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and Harvard Kennedy School, and founder of Carbon Engineering, a company developing technology to capture CO2 from ambient air.
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