

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Canada Action .. & "Divest MTA"

for MAFA .. Mount Allison Faculty Association .. I truly doubt they had much of a choice because when Brad Walters has a hissy fit its not pretty & I've seen it... I wonder if he gave up his car and stuff? Doubt it.. he enjoys living in a fantasy world and being a big hypocrite .. a lot of them are like that .. its some sort of affliction... they very dishonest intellectually and hate to have that pointed out. Brad the extremist says "Fossil fuel industries including oil are industries of the past.  The urgency of dealing with global warming means there are no longer good long-term investments.  It is time to shift our investments to renewable energy companies, the industries of the future." [Geography and Environmental Professor]

Universities are not providing balanced education about 'energy' and 'resource development' in Canada and in this regard they have failed in their academic mission.. one need only look at the youth being taught to protest against fossil fuels.. they are demanding a "fossil free future"? What does that even mean?!

With Canada Action .. I let my local MLA Bernard Leblanc know that I see this as a big problem.. for all of us.  Currently, Premier Brian Gallant is pro-pipeline and pro-industry and development... 

At at least, these students have been instructed - by their 'indigenize' the campus movement - to define anyone opposing them as "hyper conservatives", "neo-nazis" .. "white supremicists" -- that is because they're being instructed that 'capitalism and resource development' is oppressing the native population.  In their minds, they are working on 'social justice' and 'equality' issues and because they have been indoctrinated to promote the "decolonization" movement [an anti-white racist on campus movement] in partnership with the 'divest' movement against fossil fuels investments they will not engage in any discussions with anyone who questions their narrative and facts... this is very unfortunate and is not the sign of good things to come.. its a dark harbinger that shows a culture on campus of fear, loathing, and discord.. I can only imagine how oppressive this would be to do studies and try to concentrate in .. there is no balance here.. just a lot of misery.

Our politicians are being swayed by thuggish groups extremists, agitators, protestors, meddlers, unions, and angry academics.. in short, our students are influenced by ill-informed radicals.. these are not reasonable people .. and yes, this is a big problem.. giving awards is not going to help their break away from their programming and 'culture of protest'.. [ Tina Oh, graduate ]

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