

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Niki Raapana - ACL Books, Alaska USA - anti-communitarian league

Niki Friedrich Raapana
We've penetrated the reaches of upper academia. The ACL argument against communitarianism is once again inside the curriculum of a university class. First it was NYU, then Vassar, now UAF. Maybe it will be the Alaskan students who have the courage to respond.
Our "manifesto" is not some crazy conspiracy theory. It's a well researched account of the communitarian's plan to "rebuild community." We provide over 200 primary source references in 2020, and a hundred+ more in TACM. The ACL research website has over 25,000 primary source links.
There's nothing like it on earth. Imagine that. It only exists because of our frank determination to show the communitarians do have opposition who include *all* the evidence about them.
2020/TACM is the raw, uncensored, "Yankee ape" version of local agenda 21.
(Karl Marx called American businessmen Yankee apes; apparently our entire system of economy was a glitch in the Marxist's violent plan to rebuild the world under a benevolent dictatorship of the "community.")

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