

Friday, July 5, 2019

R. Buckminster Fuller : July 12, 1895 – July 1, 1983 names Bucky Fuller to the Hall of Fame - 

Global BEM Conference Nov 9 & 10, 2019 The Netherlands

"To achieve this utopia, Fuller proposes a worldwide technological revolution. Such a revolution would not be led by politicians, and, in fact, would take place quite independently of politics or ideology; it would be carried out primarily by what he calls “comprehensive designers,” who would coordinate resources and technology on a world scale for the benefit of all mankind, and would constantly anticipate future needs while they found ever-better ways of providing more and more from less and less. One big question, of course, is whether the political and economic convulsions of the present era will allow the comprehensive designers time to carry out this kind of revolution. Fuller thinks that there is still time, but he also thinks that time is rapidly running out for humanity, and it is this belief that keeps him in virtually constant motion around the world, talking to students and training them to think comprehensively as they continue his search for nature’s basic patterns."


Yes, we are exited to announce that we are working on the GlobalBEM 2019 event in November 9 & 10 in Breukelen, The Netherlands (10 min from Amsterdam). Mark these dates!. The GlobalBEM team is working hard to finalize the 2019 program with presentations from the best experts in the field of Breakthrough Energy. We will keep you in the loop about the program, the speakers, early bird ticket sales, etc. So be sure you are subscribed to our mailinglist:

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