

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Canada: What really happened to these five murdered people this year?

Nothing about this ongoing story so far has 'smelled right' .. the media circus, the RCMP searching, the native searching team, the motive, the father of Schmegelsky teen and his really odd behaviour with the press, talking about his son and his book and his apology to the victims' families, the behaviour of the public towards two young teens who should have been perceived as innocent UNTIL proven guilty... wild assumptions... nothing smells right here at all.  The role of social media in this story is also very important and key .. the chatter online, nazis, supremicists, very confusing...

The teens were already brutally tried in the Court of public opinion, not a court of law. Its a travesty..
It was a media circus from day 1 with 'white supremicist' and 'nazi' language used against the teens.

Some notes:

Australian Lucas Fowler, 23 & Chynna Deese, 24 of North Carolina, both found shot dead near Liard Hot Springs, B.C., on July 15 [white europeans?]

UBC botanist Leonard Dyck, 64 found dead in BC July 19th [white european?] 

[cbc photo]

Teens Bryer Schmegelsky & Kam McLeod, both from Port Alberni, BC originally reported as "missing persons", and then accused of all 3 murders, and then a 'manhunt media circus', and then both teens were found dead on August 7th in Manitoba on native lands @ Fox Lake Cree Nation [white europeans?]
-- The trip to the Dease Lake BC area wasn’t part of original Dyck’s plans, Friesen said, adding he was only supposed to travel between Terrace and Stewart.

-- B.C. RCMP assistant commissioner Kevin Hackett said Wednesday that the bodies of the suspects in three homicides were found approximately eight kilometres from the burnt vehicle of Leonard Dyck.

-- Hackett said the RCMP are not actively looking at any other suspect in connection with the case... why?

-- Are the Dyck, Fowler & Deese deaths related ? why? how?

-- Are there any suspects in the deaths/killings of teens Bryer and Kam?

-- What are the RCMP doing to find out who killed these five people in Canada?

-- Did any of the parties know each other before these incidents?

-- Did Dyck befriend and travel with the teens?

-- Did the teens befriend and travel with Fowler & Deese?

-- In the case of Deese and Fowler, the young couple gunned down in northern B.C., police revealed where, when and by what means they were killed, and Watson said the coroner's report won't address the "why." That's a question for police. 

-- Dease Lake is a small community located in the Cassiar Country of the Northern Interior of British Columbia, Canada. Located a few hours south of the Yukon border, it is located on Stewart–Cassiar Highway at the south end of the lake of the same name... not far from the southern part of "Tatl'ah Indian Reserve No. 13" ... at Highway 37 running north to the Yukon.

~~ Mounties say they're confident Port Alberni teens Bryer Schmegelsky, 18, and Kam McLeod, 19, were found dead on the shoreline of the Nelson River at 10 a.m. August 7th Wednesday following an extensive search in the Gillam, Man. area

-- BC RCMP said that the teens bodies being discovered would not end their investigation

-- Finally how the police able to say with certainly that these teens committed any crimes? and were these crimes actually race based crimes? Could they have been perpetrated by first nations suspect[s]? Is the possibility being considered since the bodies were all found near 'native reserves' - is this being investigated? If not, why not?

The family of American Chynna Deese, who was killed alongside her Australian boyfriend Lucas Fowler, are no longer convinced the suspected teens are the killers. They revealed they have been “kept in the dark” as much as the public as to what happened.

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