

Saturday, February 1, 2020

UTR - Jason Kessler, Christopher Cantwell, Eric Striker, Faith Goldy, Richard Spencer, Daniel Friberg, Greg Conte, James Fields, Matt Heimbach, Augustus Invictus

Heather Heyer died as a direct result of her involvement
in the street protests at Charlottesville's Unite The Right
Counter Protest to the UTR 2017 rally

Run down of the infamous Charlottesville's "Unite The Right Rally" that took place in the State of Virginia, USA in August 2017 - "Diversity Makes Us Stronger" banner over the police line.
Patrick Little ran for Senate in California in 2018 after getting an education reading "The Culture of Critque" by Dr. Kevin Macdonald ]

Patrick also attended at Unite the Right Rally2017 - he has been banned from Gab, Twitter and Facebook.

Organizer Jason Kessler website and his event poster below.   Jason and I were in touch on Facebook [ Indie Media Eastcoast ] and we both promoted/highlighted/featured one another on our small Facebook "pages".. eventually we were both censored off Facebook, Twitter and Youtube [that's called deplatforming unpersoning censorship muzzling ].  We both support free speech and we both oppose white replacement/white erasure - its not a myth; its a fact.  Universities don't want people discussing this erasure programme...

Because we were both living in university towns we understood that "mentality" and culture - progressives are destructive people.. they are also supremicists.

Wes Bellamy actions were highlighted by Jason Kessler... a black deputy Mayor of Charlottesville who also identifies as an educator and 'community organizer'.

Photo of article from Charlottesville's "C-ville Weekly" paper about the rally from Jason Kessler's Facebook...

Jason Kessler invited James Fields to Charlottesville to kill people, as he invited hundreds of other people. All of this happened because Kessler wanted it to happen, and worked hard to make it happen.


A lot has been said and written about the motives of the organizer Jason Kessler 
@ Twitter: .. and today there are men still sitting in jail who attended at the UTR Charlottesville Rally in 2017.

Jason Kessler was suspended from Twitter, Facebook & Youtube. Backups @ AltCensored at

Netflix "Alt-Right:  Age of Rage" film screen grab shows the infamous attendee James Fields at "Unite The Right" Charlottesville Rally in 2017

Discussion with Gregory Conte and Augustus Invictus on Charlottesville trial - youtube set to limited viewing/sharing from Nationalist Media Network:

Gregory Conte has been removed from Twitter.. Conte writes articles for "Russia Insider"..
... one of his last interviews to date was with Richard B. Spencer here

Henrik Palmgren also attended at the UTR Rally and his devices were taken and 'wiped' by the authorities there... and spent a long time rebuilding his hacked website after Charlottesville. Over a decade of work was deleted by Youtube this past year and "Red Ice TV" was deleted from Facebook

Christopher Cantwell attended the torchlight march and UTR Rally .. he was held in jail for his participation and actions .. released eventually.
Of note:  Elle Reeve at Vice News media outlet covered Cantwell at UTR Rally

Living in Keene New Hampsire Cantwell continued podcasting -
Twitter and Gab have suspended Christopher Cantwell's accounts.
Christopher Cantwell was recently arrested:

Nationalist Media Network on youtube has a number of Cantwell videos worth reviewing/sharing/downloading.. including this one on the Charlottesville FBI Agent Dino Capuzzo

Christopher Cantwell's 'Radical Agenda' Website:
Downloadable video link attached in description where Cantwell explains efforts and impressions regarding the UTR Rally and FBI Agent Dino Capuzzo ]

Dwayne Dixon at "Redneck Revolt" - a lecturer, activist and "anti-fascist" spoke at Harvard Carr Center for Human Rights Policy in 2018 about the UTR Rally and his use of his AK47 on the ground, his motives and his participation as a counter-protestor,

Invited speaker Richard B. Spencer [USA's National Policy Institute/Radix Journal] & Daniel Friberg [ publishing] were also at the UTR Rally and have experienced deplatforming and un-personing and financial set-backs.. Spencer is involved in a civil lawsuit by the City against him as is Jason Kessler.  Spencer is still on Twitter @ 78K followers..
Daniel Friberg on Twitter

Netflix film about the altright..
Heather Heyer was at the rally protesting, shown here in the middle
of traffic in the street.. 

James Fields' car was attacked by protestors and panicked as he
drove down a one way street blocked by vehicles
causing injuries to the protestors standing in the road - 
now there is a street named Heather Heyer ...

Augustus Invictus aka Austin Gillespie,
lawyer and advocate born July 31, 1983 also attended the torchlight rally
the night before the Unite The Right Event.....
he's now running for President in 2020..

Augustus Invictus plans to run for President in 2020
.. he was arrested and jailed January 1, 2020

Screen grab @ "Alt-Right: Age of Rage" on Netflix - noting white erasure USA!

Faith Goldy was at the UTR Rally to cover the events as a journalist.  Ezra Levant her boss at Rebel Media fired her for her troubles... Paypal and Instagram deleted her.  Facebook has also removed Faith Goldy because she is declared a neo-nazi/white nationalist.  Faith Goldy maintained a large following on her Twitter.
Faith Goldy is still on Twitter, youtube, and on

Faith is being sued by Canada's "Anti-Hate Network" in a case regarding her tweeted article:


Many Canadians also attended the Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville....
Montreal report on some of the participants..

Gregory Conte resigned from and writes for Russia Insider now.

The group were interested in preserving and maintaining a park monument 
- a statue of General Robert E. Lee .... anti-white progressives wanted the historical statue removed and to rename the location "Emanipation Park" 
.. this was essentially what inspired the group of speakers to gather in the park..

the UTR Rally goers were met by the counter protestors and violent antifa...

the night before the UTR Rally the group held a torchlight parade .. 
"Eric Striker" aka Joseph Jordan 

Striker also attended the UTR Rally -
some video footage from SPLC of 

America First Conservatives just dropped a banner from Key Bridge in Arlington, Virginia! Mass immigration turned Virginia blue and will do the same to America overall if nothing changes! #AmericaFirst

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