

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Shag Harbour UFO Incident "Canada's Roswell" Coin from the

The Royal Canadian Mint is about to release the second coin in its Unexplained Phenomena series - this one featuring "Canada's Roswell" The Shag Harbour UFO Incident!
The cool design and glow-in-the-dark features highlight a story that most people don’t know - the best government documented UFO event in history.
There are only 4,000 of these coins available worldwide, and 200 will be available for sale at Shag Harbour UFO Incident Society Festival (Where I will be a guest speaker).
For those of you who can’t make it to the festival, check out on October 1 when the coin is available to the public.
A massive congrats to Don LedgerLaurie Wickens, Chris Styles, and everyone else involved in maintaining the legacy of the Shag Harbour UFO Incident.
If you are interested in discussion this coin, the Shag Harbour Incident, or any other UFO topics of Canadian relevance join the UFOs Above Canada discussion group.

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