

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Yasmine Mohammed: Unveiled Lecture

So, I have been suspended on Twitter with no indication as to why. As has Armin Navabi. As has the Secular Jihadists podcast.
All this morning.
Seems like a coordinated effort to silence ExMuslim voices.
Luckily my book is out now, so social media isn’t the only way you can hear what I have to say. I explain in this talk how getting constantly attacked by Muslims and white saviors is so exhausting.
I’m already free. I don’t need to do this. I do this for others who are still trying to break free. For others who are being silenced by Islam. I will never be bullied into silence in the West. I’m committed to being their voice. People in the West have died for me to be able to do this. This is what the West is. Freedom. That is what differentiates us from theocracy and blasphemy laws. I won’t squander such a valuable gift.
UPDATE: We were mass reported as spam, but we appealed and got our accounts back. Better luck next time, fucktards ✌️

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