

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Tantramar Landowners Association - reproduced Article on SRRC / Dodie & rev. John Perkin

Does anyone in Sackville New Brunswick have as much clout as the Perkin duo?
Both are employed by Mount Allison University in Sackville, New Brunswick.
When a local - such as myself - tries to promote a new concrete skatepark project for the youth and is treated so badly I have to wonder why - and I have to ask the questions no one else will around here:

Why does the promotion of "refugee sponsorship" seem so important to some?  And why is discussion around this topic so taboo online?  I prefer to have an open debate not private meeting with people.. I no longer have Facebook which should come as a relief to the Perkin duo.  But the questions remain:  why put non-Canadians first in your fundraising efforts here?  Are there not people in need here you could help instead of importing foreigners to our region? There are not enough jobs here to support large numbers of newcomers into our towns - in fact many of our Canadian youth leave here [the maritimes in general] due to lack of work opportunities - I think this must be addressed.. I think adults should discuss this.

When rev. Perkin was heard on CBC national radio interview he claimed that our region "needed more diversity" which is another way of saying its "too white around here".. I found that very insulting and degrading to the Tantramar region.

This group has grown to over 800 people on Facebook.. how many of them live here, own homes here, pay taxes here?  The term "astroturfing" refers to an effort to create the appearance of "grassroots" when in fact something is manufactured.

Has anyone asked the people of this region if they would like to be targetted for "seeding for diversity" by newcomers?  Does the fact that his coalition works directly with the United Nations not bother anyone else?  When did we decide to let the United Nations dictate to us and influence our immigration programmes?

Its only possible when people voluntarily give their time to this action.  Why do they do it?  Do they feel this region is "too white"? Needs to be "diversified"? Why?  SRRC - Facebook

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