

Monday, February 17, 2020

Joseph Gregory Hallett's Claim Against The Flat Lie Royals - The Hidden King of England


Latest youtube video:

Some commentary...

It's terribly difficult to express how I feel about Greg Hallett. Having read some of his works which I found extremely interesting and much of the information reasonably supported, I still feel bewildered with regards to his true character, aims and intentions. My suspicions were intensified after watching his video with Ken Cousens. Although Ken asked Greg repeatedly about his intentions should he aspire to 'kingship', Greg constantly skirted the question and become visually uncomfortable. During that video he also described his descent from Walter Raleigh and his similar looks. Now we notice a change with his beard, moustache and hair clearly in an effort to suggest and ever closer relationship to Raleigh and rather immature behaviour Greg also has a habit of relating so much to himself, of course in 'codified' language that for the most part, only he recognises, such as in coinage and films among many and, being rather suspect examples. I somehow feel we could all note similar relations to ourselves and others, should we feel it necessary to do so, hence I struggle with his explanations of these rather ambiguous 'links'. In this video he scales even higher heights in suggesting he not only has a valid claim to the throne but eagerly accepts Jim's suggestion of a messianic link too. Would such a messiah not have a plan for the future of mankind? The main characteristic always overwhelmingly evident in any video with Greg is his ego. Any comment relating to his possible regality results in a display of absolute glee and he appears to derive the ultimate thrill from any such 'association'. He seems to have incredible aspirations and his excitement indicates he seems believes they are within reach. I truly hope his intentions are honest and good but of late , I really have to wonder if he is being used as the court jester whilst being led down a yellow brick road.

You mean the Yellow Vest Road. Sure I have a plan. The plan has already been written. To state the plan makes it easier to circumvent. Politicians state what they're going to do, and then do the opposite. so stating everything before it happens is counter-productive in the extreme. All things in their time. Yes, after 20, 30 or 40 years on this, there is a certain amount of glee as it approaches. The gate is narrow - the effects enormous. I don't object to the occasional 'Thomas' and won't try to convince you otherwise. I've had the moustache and goatee for years. It was others who said I looked like Walter Raleigh, and so I expressed this, as it also tied in with the story. And yes, others look like Raleigh, but so do I. Also, the areas of England and Cape Cod where there was 'Hallett' was match this, like John Hallett of Cape Cod, and his famous daughter Maria 'Goody' Hallett. History is written by people who do not make connections. Most of the history you've read has been fake and organised to a structure supporting those who stole power while suppressing true stories of far greater interest and influence. This is a new path, and to be on it - well there's no one whose done it before and said 'this is what you do next'. If you have an major predictions of yourself, repeatedly, and down to the specific, please let me know. In the mean time, evidence continues to emerge, and the world at large continues to react ... and it appears the time is right, at the end of Tribulations ... so hurry up and make your claim. The Yellow Brick Road is unfolding was we walk.

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