

Saturday, June 6, 2020

2020 COVID-19 SITUATION; covert id vaccine plans? Bill Gates from Hell

Mount Allison University 2020 shutdown for "covid"

Message from Wolfish Head:

"Not a drill.

Bill Gates just did an AMA on Reddit where he stated that they are going to roll out a "digital certificate" to indicate who has survived the coronavirus and taken the vaccine. That "certificate" is to take the form of a digital "tattoo marker".

He is also saying they are going to roll out his new project: "ID 2020", which is a microchip implant personal identification device.

Right now, the Canadian government, along with many other governments around the world, are suspending (or discussing suspending) civil liberties in order to protect the populace from the chinese coronavirus pandemic.

If the Canadian government activates the legislation they have been discussing using ('Emergencies Act' and 'Quarantine Act') they will have the power to force citizens to accept a vaccine, accept a tattoo, and even accept a microchip implant, under threat of imprisonment without a warrant or due process of any kind.

This must be resisted by everyone everywhere at any cost.

The government has allowed the pandemic to spread to Canada, having done nothing to stop it from being imported across our borders until it was present in nearly every part of the country, and then announced they now need sweeping dictatorial power to deal with the situation.

The populace is by and large panicking and willing to give the government whatever power it says it needs to protect them. The government is also saying they need the additional power given to them so they can change the laws in order to distribute free money to mitigate the fact many are unable to go to work.

They are making their move. This has to be resisted by everyone no matter what the cost is. This is an attempt at total tyranny and complete enslavement.

Please forward this to your social networks.

Here is Bill Gates himself discussing this:

Info about the "tattoo marker" for proof of having taken the vaccine:

Here is his "ID 2020" website:"


Message received & republished for Wolfish Head @ "Resurrection Europa" 
Find him on Twitter

#Digital Knights #Digital Patriots

Video from Wolfish Head/Resurrection on Bitchute:

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