

Monday, June 15, 2020

#LoveIsAllYouNeed #HallettVibes #Updates

Such great words from Greg Hallett... Kingof.UK

thank you so much.. I have shared this with many others who love it as well.

God bless xo The Aramaic Christian Prayer for the New Age..
To that which gave birth to the cosmos, immerse me in your fire of creation, render me wise, with love and equity to share. Free me from karma, those around me from debt, and ensure that I have enough to live on, My hands and heart are ready, Animate the earth beneath my feet and set my heart free, Let your harmony vibrate my will. Immerse me in the sound & light so that I may experience your breathe of life Let me be a fractal of your harmony vibration Give lively strength to my true purpose, and renew me as a song of beauty from age to age. I return my vibrating light and sound into your astonishing cosmic fire. --Joseph Gregory Hallett, Kingof.UK

Monday Update on fhe BIG story at Charles Ward youtube channel with Dave Mahoney and Lee Dawson watch at this link:

These are amazing fast moving times!
Kings Courtier takes a breather from Twatter.. 

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