

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Who are the supportive women behind Greg Hallett - Kingof.UK ?

We've been interested and watching the progression of the Greg Hallett claim closely at Kingof.UK website for over two years and reporting....

Newer to the work of Greg Hallett is Angela at "Raven Moonstone Art" youtube in Calgary Alberta Canada has been a huge fan and very helpful at getting the word out in Canada.  Angela is in direct contact with Greg Hallett and his team in the UK.  Her channel has almost 14,000 subscribers.  Angela's latest video June 8th, 2020 here:

Her father was born in Nuremburg Germany and she has native blood.

Her Facebook page is "Red Pill Raven"
Angela recommends videos for her viewers to watch and promotes GESARA/NESARA.  Angela also likes to say "love and light" and she talks about her background work history including association with "Anonymous" in one of her videos... interesting.  Angela's work is very thorough with charts and explanations and research to check out... and make your own decisions/judgment.

Online social media is beginning to explode for Greg Hallett who has declared himself to be King John III .. Greg Hallett's also on Instagram:

Recently watching the May 31st Periscope live on Twitter captured to youtube by Stan Barabas who is gaining many subscribers - available to view at this link:

Greg is praising his #DigitalWarriors #DigitalKnights #DigitalPatriots etc.
Of note, one notices at the end of the video when Hallett fumbles his camera a brief glimpse as the woman he referred to at the beginning as "KingsCourtier" sitting to his right.. she is in the service of "Kingof.UK" on Twitter
Also manages

Is the woman his wife? Is she also the mother of his children? Will she be joining him on camera?  Are there more people behind the scenes working with Hallett on media? Yes.  There is also a new youtube channel for "Greg Hallett Archives"
Stay tuned!  We'd like to be introduced to Mrs. Hallett to know about her too.. she would be the future Queen .. what is her name and her background and story?
Behind every great man is a great woman.. so when will this woman 'emerge' ?
Greg talks about his concern for Trump being surrounded by vipers.
He states some interesting information in that livestream.

Many people are making memes too.

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