

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

John Urwin Interview with Angela Power-Disney - November 25, 2020


John Urwin, 81, website: 
Contact John for his new book "One Step Beyond The Sixteen" at his email

Sean Stone is in the new book and John says he's doing screenwriting for a film... interesting.  Talks about another contributor being a lawyer, unnamed, also assisting him... 

Book "Sixteen" was promoted by Kerry Cassidy @ Project Camelot 

From Kerry's website:


John Urwin : The Machine

Los Angeles, May 2010 | .mp3

 John Urwin wrote the following in an email to me, just a few days ago:

"I am a 71yr old reitired ex- UK special forces operative (about which I have written a book namely 'The Sixteen'). I wrote my book because I was trying to hopefully make contact with others who had also been a part of this ultra covert and highly skilled unit - the reasons for its being so highly covert was that both British Intelligence and the Government of the day (we're talking late '50's here) had been infiltrated to the highest level by what is known by some today as 'The New World Order'.

There is a lot of detail I could go into about The Sixteen and what their objectives were. How they came to be, why, and what they were hoping to achieve and the difficulties we encountered, things which I didn't expect. you could say 'it was out of this world'. "

Based in the Middle East during the highly volatile period after the Suez crisis in the late 1950's he and a team of 15 operatives blended into the ranks of the British military by day and were sent on covert operations at night and when necessary. In this audio interview you will hear John talk about his unconventional training by what can only be termed an off-world group. He and the others received, in a matter of 4 hours, special skills that even today are not able to be duplicated or deciphered by our best military minds.

Pictured in the video is the gift given to him by the Egyptian Special Forces  Unit 777 an award that bears the inscription" to: John Urwin, The best anti/counter terrorism specialist in the world."

He is currently being contacted by military organizations seeking access to his skills. But beware: he is not interested in supplying these secrets to anyone working with the NWO.

He is looking for a new publisher for his book. Unfortnately he has received nothing from the sale of this relatively obscure book so far... But that is about to change, no doubt once you hear what he has to say.

Kerry Lynn Cassidy

May 2010"

John Urwin's "The Sixteen"

Covered by Miles @ The Bases

Miles can be contacted via Email at:

The Email address for Paypal donations is:

John's current website and new book "One Step Beyond the Sixteen:


Every individual SPECOPS operator, whether from a military, law enforcement or intelligence agency background, needs to be able to survive in a high risk environment. Such survival must be achieved without weaponry or any form of logistical back-up. Today’s SPECOPS operators need to be able to operate effectively on their own and make use of locally available resources.

Unarmed combat situations are one of the most stressful situations a SPECOPS operator is likely to face. During such encounters, tunnel vision occurs and it is difficult, if not impossible, to perform complex or fine motor movements.

The key to survival in any hostile environment involving close quarter combat is to have a system that is simple, yet brutally effective. A system that provides for the maximum chance of success, with a minimal use of physical and mental energy.

There is a need for a close quarter combat system that is both instinctive and natural. Specifically a system that can be used to defeat every conceivable form of attack from either single or multiple assailants.

The Urwin Combat System meets these needs. It is a close quarter combat system that can be used effectively to dominate any hostile environment.

The Urwin Combat System is based on a series of bio-mechanical movements known as the Urwin Combat Machine. The Urwin Combat Machine comprises a series of gross motor upper body movements that are learned by consistently practicing the movements until they become instinctive. Once these simple and repetitive movements are learnt, the SPECOPS operator can defeat a variety of assaults by assailants armed with blunt weapons, knives, pistols or long arms.

The Urwin Combat System is a new development in the field of unarmed and close quarter combat and can be utilised in any hostile environment, whether on sea, land or air.

The Urwin Combat Machine is a critical element of the Urwin Combat System which is a wholly integrated close quarter combat method. As such it provides SPECOPS operators with the confidence to survive high risk encounters.


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