

Friday, April 2, 2021

Little Man Les Hicks on Indie Media Eastcoast at

 Little Les cannot discuss facts and evidence, at all.

Does he read, do math? I just don't think he does.

quote by comedian/social commentator the late Bill Hicks, USA

Les Hicks .. 
Know your enemies.. 
always punch up 
.. do not punch down .. 
Don't shoot the messengers!
Read more, get informed:
What do I advocate?
No mandated facemasks;
 no mandated vaccines;
no mandated testing....
no track and trace ... no detention centres...
no more lockdowns and 
no more closing the borders between provinces
in Canada...
... its just that simple!

Imagine being such a pathetic man you 
demean and insult a decent woman promoting
good health, wellness, safety, child protection
 and a youth skatepark.

Truly pathetic Les.... but know this:
I have smited others in the past ... and
... I know this is a spiritual war ..

Good luck mask-lovin' little Les --
you're gonna need it....
are you planning on taking the covidvaxx Little Les?
or how about getting tested
with a stick up your nose
jabbing for your DNA?

Unlike little Les I know 
who the hate-filled enemies of humanity
actually are .. they want less of us on the planet....
Bill Gates Foundation, U.N., WHO, 
and Rockefeller's medical system corruption...
along with lying media mafia and stupid politicians
obediantly going along with the orders
of technocrats... this is technocracy
and not democracy...

Lots of great people are censored for speaking
the truth during this information war...
including Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai removed from Twitter recently ...

The remarks on the stupidity
of facemasks are correct and 
attributable to King John III

Little Les Hicks' commentary found at:

  1. IndieMediaEastcoast Canada says:

    Les Hicks needs to learn to debate ideas rather than throwing around insults online. Thanks again Bruce. I promote your website at my site – and I hope that others understand how helpful your work is to the locals in a region that has been captured by technocrats. If you want your hospital you will have to fight very hard to keep it — hospitals are under a centralized health authority now and they seem to be heavy with administrators who make a lot of money. Our governments appear to prefer enriching testing technology in 2021…Luminultra is certainly making a lot of money…check out their website: .. perhaps the covid19 hysteria will tone down some after a year of non-stop media and only 30 deaths in a population of 777,000 in New Brunswick. I’m asking why it is still referred to as a ” pandemic ” … it’s an honest question.

    • Les Hicks says:

      From the tone of your comment, I presume this must be Sally (it’s hard to keep track of all of your aliases). If it is Sally, then I must say that you are yet again using self-projection regarding your insult remark. On your indiemediaeastcoastcanada blog, people who follow the advice of the public health officials are called stupid, and compared to pedophiles. You further talk about silly men wearing masks and state that you can’t support their stupidity. I see that I also get a mention, albeit as ‘Little Les’, as a ‘useful idiot’. Considering the source of this insult, I consider it an honour.

      Regarding your comment acknowledging the importance of our local hospital, I am glad to see that you have changed your opinion since your previous comment in January where you insulted Pat Estabrooks and complained about her prioritizing our hospital and hospital foundation over a skate park.

      Regarding your honest question of why this is still being called a pandemic considering the low number of cases and deaths in New Brunswick, have you considered the idea that these low numbers are precisely the result of the strict protocols (social distancing, and dare I say, masking) being imposed by our public health officials, and followed by the majority of citizens who accept the current scientific and medical advice, which is constantly changing as more and more knowledge is gained about the various aspects of this virus and it’s mutations (that’s the way the scientific process works). According to the latest WHO stats to date, there have been 188,750,00 Covid 19 cases and 2,634,000 deaths globally. Comparing countries that have taken different approaches to the pandemic, the USA, under the lack of leadership of Donald Trump, who continually downplayed the seriousness of it and like you ridiculed people for wearing masks, to date has had 29,400,000 cases and 163.31 deaths/100,000 population. Canada, which has taken the danger much more seriously and initiated important public health measures, has 911,800 cases and 60.51 deaths/100,000 population (approximately 37% that of the American deaths/100,000). If you would like another example, consider some of the Nordic countries. Sweden, which took an approach more like that of the USA’s, has a total of 712,500 cases and 129.10 deaths/100,000. Other Nordic countries like Denmark, Finland, and Norway took a much more serious approach to the pandemic, resulting in Denmark having 220,600 cases and 41.24 deaths/100,000, Finland having 66,000 and 14.24 deaths/100,000, and Norway having 79,800 cases and 12.02 deaths/100,000 (all 3 are much lower than Sweden’s – Norway being the best at 9% of Sweden’s deaths/100,000). Note that their numbers are even better than Canada’s, but Canada’s deaths/100,000 are still only 47% of what Sweden’s are.

      Those are the facts (or as Joe Friday used to say, “just the facts, ma’am, just the facts”). I hope this answers your honest question, and although I highly doubt these FACTS will change your mind regarding the wearing of masks, they will hopefully lead others who read your Wark Times comments and your multiple blogs to question all of the misinformation that you present.

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