

Friday, November 4, 2022

From "Frank Magazine Atlantic" & Dr. Dena Churchill - Nova Scotia Vaxx Aware Advocate on Baddeck NS Gathering

 Re-posting.. with news of a death of ..... 

Frank Magazine has now 'died' this year... FYI

Their Twitter goes on and on though...

Frank Magazine (@frankmagonline) / Twitter

The Charter is for mouth-breathers, too!

At the risk of saying something unpopular (so unlike you!-ed.), Bridgewater Police might be wise to turn the other cheek at the murder of Covidiots who gathered on the weekend, at the behest of noted anti-vaxxer Dena Churchill.
While I acknowledge that doling out a few fines to attendees of the Gathering of the Jugheads for breaching Emergency Health Orders would be supremely satisfying, it would also serve to show that there is one set of rules for those who hold the correct opinions, and another for those who don't.
Don't believe me? Compare photographs from the Bill Gates Is Trying to Kill Us shindig to the ones snapped at last year's Big Halifax Protestariat Partyaroo, which featured luminaries such as Mayor Mike Savage and HRP Chief Dan Kinsella taking one knee on Spring Garden Road amongst thousands of other scofflaws.
Constitutional lawyers would also no doubt add that the Charter right to peaceful assembly applies the same to mouth-breathers as it does to virtue-signalling wokesters."

Dena's message for November 2022 here:

The Free Speech in Medicine Conference in beautiful Baddeck, Nova Scotia last weekend was the most inspirational conference I’ve attended in 10 years!  120 men and women from around the world (Canada, USA and even Australia) of every discipline, all with a valued objective of freedom of speech. There were vascular surgeons, psychiatrists, paediatricians, endocrinologists, ER and Family doctors, lawyers, homeopaths, housewives, naturopaths, chiropractors, massage therapists, energy healers, actors, business men, mothers, grandmothers and media people.  It takes a crisis of tremendous magnitude for us to leave our titles, judgments, biases and barriers at the door and focus upon the unity within our human race. The presentations were amazing but equally educational was the collaborations and casual conversations.  Tremendous Thank YOU to Dr. Chris Milburn and Dr. Julie Curwin for organizing this first meeting of minds to discover the way forward with love, honour and grace.  Many of those in attendance have given up jobs, opportunities, practises and teaching positions to pioneer this path so their power and their commitment is from a different realm.  In the words of a vascular surgeon who came to the microphone in tears,  “I'm no longer fighting for right to practise or to do surgery, now I am fighting for the lives and health of my grand children.” 
Hosting events in a paid, private, inspirational space, grows other ideas and creative expressions.  Waving a public flag and chanting, served a purpose in calling together the tribe but now we must strategize action steps in private gatherings without interruption from the peanut gallery.  Meeting in small groups in your home or larger groups at the town hall, libraries or renting the local hotel conference rooms or legions throughout the winter will keep you inspired and connected to your community.  Collect e-mails and phone numbers and if there is not yet a leader or health freedom group in your town, then you are it!  Be kind, take care of each other and welcome those who are just waking up to the raw reality.  
1. MD’s didn’t want to give the mRNA shot which is why many people get injected at the supermarket.
2. Free Speech in our current structure is a fantasy.  In the words of Law Professor Bruce Pardy “He who pays the piper, calls the tune”.  There is no legal fix as the current laws and oaths are written to “protect” the individual and the profession by what is considered “current and widely held by the majority” …. the accepted norm.  As a regulated professional whether you are a member of the Canadian Medical Association, Canadian Chiropractors Association or the Actors Guild, this privilege of regulation within the group is also noose around your neck.  Solution: create different unions, associations and regulatory boards or surrender your title and become free agents.  One concern in developing alternative associations is that the associations own survival often becomes the primary objective and may be no better or worse than what is currently in place. (The Cancer Society for example has changed their slogan from “Curing Cancer” to “Living with Cancer”.  Cancer is a big business and not too sexy to talk about it as a result of a taxed immune system.)  Another solution presented was having a round table discussion with different practitioners challenging each other with the patient in the centre.  The patient (aka health care consumer) is given the ability to choose the course of care after hearing all the arguments.  How could we organize a true, round table, patient-centred form of health care outside of the government regulation funded by pharmacy?  
3.  Thousands of pages of evidence used to justify the covid 19 mandates and restrictions were finally delivered to Lawyer Christina Lazier for her review with CANS on October 31, 2022.  Over breakfast,  I had tears of gratitude dripping into my tea cup as Christina shared stories of her work and the sacrifices she has made.   We shared some resources and connections to hopeful strengthen the Judicial review.  If you are able to help with these local initiatives in any capacity please connect with CANS and consider donating to their initiatives.  
We also discussed the glimmer of hope as the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal criticized the court injunctions against protests. Thank you to the Canadian Civil Liberties Association in having the government review its own methods and over-reach.  The obvious discussions and differences of opinions among the judges is encouraging and an internal review in this area suggests their may be fairness in other exploits as well.  In the words of Mary Holland of Children’s Health Defense, the law changes in response to cultural challenge.  Do nothing and nothing changes, do something and it does.
4. Dr. Jay Bhattacharya of The Great Barrington Declaration was the keynote speaker at the conference.  If you haven’t seen and signed this initiative, there is still time…..   Dr.  Francis Christian was fired from his job as a surgeon but kept his soul as he continues to poetically speak and write about the beauty in truth: Trish Wood also presented upon the media manipulation.  Having previously worked for CBC and Fifth Estate her ideas of media integrity were a good reminder of how it used to be and how she and others like her in truth media are the solution.  Dr. Martha Fulford’s presentation on research was shocking  1 in every 5000 males will likely have myocarditis with the shots.  1 in every 2000 will have myocarditis if mixing Pfizer and Moderna.  80% of males show heart damage on MRI that is not reversible!  23% of females have menstrual irregularities as noted in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.  Dr. Shawn Whatley former head of Ontario Medical Association discussed “sickness care” instead of “health care” and the patients responsibility as a health care consumer.  "With 54% doctors are on high degrees of burnout and 5 million Canadians without a family doctor, a change is imminent.”   Dr. Stanley Goldfard, a former Associate Dean of Penn State Medical School is concerned that 40 medical schools have included "climate change" as part of their curriculums.  His book, Take Two Aspirins and Call Me By Pronouns is a best seller describing how turning doctors into social Justice warriors is destroying medicine.  Our local Dr. Aris Lavranos, emergency doctor and 3rd year law student, discussed the “homogeneity of thought” verses the “individual autonomy” in a panel discussion about socialized medicine.  
5. Thank you to homeopath Sarah Trask for sharing her successful remedies for some covid injection symptoms.  Thank you to Andrea and Heidi Ship for for sharing the books and titles!  Turtles All the Way Down- Vaccine Science and Myth is one of the best books I’ve read on the subject!  Thank you to whom ever brought the Druthers reports and laid them out on the tables. Inspiring to witness melting of boundaries as we build our team humanity. 
Where do we go from here? …..  more conferences in meeting of like minds and build creative solutions?  When asked this question by Trish Wood in an interview I suggested we just keep filling our boat.  Those who have already jumped off the tyrannical ocean liner are the most courageous, these individuals are now guiding the movement.  Essential to support the captains helping chart the course.  Many left the conference feeling supported in their actions, inspired and energized to continue.  This collaboration step in building our boat and crew is foundational.  Birds when flying in a V-formation improve the aerodynamics.  If the leader gets tired then there is someone next in line to take their place.  The symbiosis of teamwork is a natural gift.  Let’s continue to use it!  All hands on deck…. 
inLove, inJoy & inGrace,
Dena ❤️"

thank you beautiful Dena... 

Fun fact:  Dr. Chris Milburn is a Mount Allison University Alumni.

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