

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Technocracy News... "Is Canada Re-Embracing Historic Technocracy?"

 Read article at this link:  Is Canada Re-Embracing Historic Technocracy?

What's the deep desire of a technocrat? Total control over resources, people and land.  Simple.

They're doing very well at this agenda in New Brunswick Canada largely due to the efforts of minions like Sabine Dietz [pictured below] who was born in Germany and is busy propagandizing the public on climate change hysteria and is also now an elected Town Councillor in Sackville New Brunswick.  Sabine bangs on day and night about climate and environment -- like the rest of her ilk these climate change cult members are the people who want more access to your children's minds/souls/bodies & they get lots of help from the gatekeeper media here who are happy to promote them and their crazed conspiracy theories of doom and gloom... essentially the climate hysterics are in a death cult and they are assisted by most funded media who are just stenographers for technocracy.. sadly.

Technocrat Sabine's been agitating in Sackville NB for ages - her schtick doesn't seem to get old... with lots of funding and her connections with "Nature NB" they're winning by going after the children and brainwashing them [this was a tactic Hitler used as well] ..  I could say a lot more about her but at this point I'll watch how she operates as a politician [hopefully she takes a lot of heat]

NatureKids NB | Nature NB

Things that make Sabine happy?
Seeing children marching for the climate... 2019 photo from Bruce Wark

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