

Saturday, December 4, 2021

A recent email exchange with Paul "Fascist" Palango... Mandated Vaxx Supporter and Storytime Teller/Writer

Nova Scotia Rampage - Open Lines and Updates - with Paul Palango (Nov 21st, 2021) - YouTube

 Celebrating himself and his work on his latest book deal "22 Murders" -- his storybook version of events of the Nova Scotia Mass Shooting Event in 2020 with Gabriel Wortman... Nova Scotia's "critical thinker" Paul Palango has spoken many times with Jordan Bonaparte at the 'award winning' Nighttime Podcast based in Halifax - four times so far in November 2021.. and another podcast set to take place tonight.
Paul's been told by others to look into New Brunswick but he ignores my repeated advice to look into Greg Hallett's claim of Kingship.

Nova Scotia Rampage - Open Lines and Updates - with Paul Palango (Nov 28th, 2021) - YouTube

Nova Scotia Rampage - Open Lines and Updates - with Paul Palango (Nov 14th, 2021) - YouTube

In Paul Palango's mind its fine to shame anyone as an "idiot" who is not getting the "mRna vaxx" for the 'greater good' .. especially RCMP officers... but why?  
According to Paul
@46.00 "in the public service you surrender some rights"

 Paul Palango shows himself to be government-compliant and does not respect personal vaxx choice for individuals but instead he is promoting mandated vaxx -- he is clearly a gaslighting fascist.

The contempt that I now feel for him will mean that I am now unwilling to publish anymore articles for him about his 'stories' in the future.  I find his arrogance and attitude completely unacceptable.

Perhaps "Palango" is a synonym for "propagandist"
for the Big Pharma Vaxx Mafia..
"The FDA is as corrupt as big pharma! It is not surprising since the FDA was formed during “Operation Paperclip!” So you see the Nazis never left. They just rebranded… and this time they are after the “sheeple!” The FDA is officially corrupt and is now pimping for pharma by pushing their poisons!" - CIN article

Here's the conversation thread:

Message to Paul Palango:

"Mr. Palango ...congratulations on finishing your book. There are three youtube channels to look into on this Hallett story for your research when you're ready and hopefully that's soon.  I was disappointed to see you calling the police "idiots" for not wanting the vaxx on one of the recent livestreams with Jordan @ Nighttime Podcast... that's just unfortunate. Hopefully you will be writing about the Greg Hallett claim of Kingship.. its key. Cheers, and all the best."

Response from Paul Palango:  

"Sorry you are disappointed in me for being an anti-anti-vaxxer.  I do not allow myself to be controlled by my own narcissism, ignorance or fears.  I am governed by the facts and science. Like most people I dropped out of science classes by Grade 11.  I rely on those who continued on in school in that subject and not the person I see every morning in the mirror or some distant, ill-informed salesperson.  History has clearly shown that is the wise thing to do not only for yourself but, most importantly, for the health of society as a whole.  Yes, there are problems and intrigues that we must deal with but the Common Good is most important if we are to have any hope.  Cheers and all the best, Paulp"

Response to Paul Palango:  "I'm sorry - and your wife confirmed this by phone too - that you are afraid of a flu and would go out of your way to promote an untested, unsafe and unapproved mRna medical invention [authorized only due to a bogus state of emergency issued] without bothering to critically think about the statistical chance of dying [especially for children who are now being forced] - but there are good reasons for the greater good not to be part of this experiment - so for me you have lost the critical thinker status and become another compliant soul.. maybe its that Catholic upbringing... ? who knows but I do wish you well.

Jordan Bonaparte has also gone out of his way to promote vaxx and muzzles on children... I don't know what sort of club that puts you two in but you both have question marks over your heads for me now downeast."

Paul Palango's response:

"I’m happy you are so sure of yourself and your “facts”. 
End of discussion.


Response to Palango:  "God help you... and the "wiferoo"."

1 comment:

  1. It's hard to take seriously anyone who supports vaccines, mandates, or believes in some Club of Rome "Common Good" type bullshit.

    I encourage these chumps to help them along with research into the weaponized jab industry.
