... these little hand-made-with-love cards often using repurposed pieces have been shared and posted and given out many thousands of times in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and also in Ontario since 2011 by me.
Sackville folks are familiar with these cards but the don't necessarily know that their creatrix is me. Why is that do you suppose? Suppression of good news... or a misunderstanding of my intentions? Gossips who have harmed my reputation... all of the above..
My photography of Ian Chew, founder of "Humans of Sackville" in 2012.. student from Malaysia.Humans of Sackville - Home (facebook.com)
recent post:
"Have you ever moved away from someone you love?

Newspaper and CBC promotions ... by hometown boy and Mount Allison Alumni CBC's Ian Hanomansing's Dad Harvey who still lives in town and helped to push Ian Chew out there further ....
[the family came here from Trinidad & Tobago]
Humans of Sackville - Global Maritimes Feature - YouTubeas an 'original' project on his Facebook page with visiting International Student from Malaysia Ian Chew at Mount Allison University. . . Chew's project started long after my photography project of "Beautiful People in New Brunswick" which was first launched by me in early January 2011. . . it was meant to be a good will to others and positive messaging campaign.. not a data gathering scheme.
I arrived here to live in Sackville N.B. on October 31st, 2010.
Promotion by the 'community leaders' here of only those people of the right kind of viewpoints? I think so ... Definitely, no help or promotion of a Mum with strong opinions on child safety & health:
Safe Schools N.B. (nomorefluoriderinsenb.blogspot.com)
I was told by one local politician-- who went on to become, Mayor Shawn Mesheau-- that the power clique 'community leaders' view me as a 'low class, unimportant troublemaker' .. sad comment to utter but this level of contempt for me is evident by their treatment of me [snubbing] over the 11+ years in this town -- order followers and borg-minds are not comfortable around me and happily denigrate my ongoing efforts ... so what they did was an organized effort to re-direct to Ian Chew and away from me--this move is called subversion... it was their attempt to dismiss/diminish me, and my contribution to overall good vibes and local unity and to never give me credit for my work... with the hope of demoralizing me but it didn't work. Who were the people who worked to harm me and interfere with my quality of life though? Communitarians...
Folks with the snobby local university and 'arts community' -- those who I consider to be politically correct strait jacketed creatures who wouldn't ever consider my efforts to be of any value... tend to look down on me.
There are thousands of created photographs that are archived of humans who are beautiful by me..
but zero interest by the 'arts community leaders' in this long running project of mine... this should tell you that the 'beauty' and 'humanity' part of the art world here is not valuable and at this point not much photography is taking place by me during the face diaper era of our society...
I've also provided copies of my photos to people to enjoy free of charge... so they know my gig..
For my efforts have seen no rewards financially, at all...
perhaps one day there will be an artist exhibit of my work..
Fingers point to a woman who apparently doesn't like me even though I have never met her...Artist member Angela Thibodeau..
very interesting...
.. Struts Gallery (@StrutsGallery) / Twitter
..... Struts Gallery - Home | Facebook
... Struts Gallery (@strutsgallery) • Instagram photos and videos
a social justice-y type who also has a paid day job working at Mount Allison University...
a woman who likes 'organizing' our society and she wrote recently at her open Facebook this story .. are her efforts 'heroic' advocacy?
"Today I chose to celebrate Canada Day by reflecting on making our country better. I joined other community members downtown to write letters to our politicians to ask for real system changes. This letter to my provincial education minister, Mr. Dominic Cardy, is asking for compulsory Indigenous Studies courses in New Brunswick high schools. It's an idea that a local teacher has been championing and I agree with him 100%. When I went to high school in Halifax, I took many electives in Canadian history and was fortunate to have a teacher who was sympathetic to Indigenous issues. It makes a big difference and it's not hard to impliment"
More on Angela and her work here:
"Good news! The Covid restrictions in Sackville have loosened a little bit. I’m excited to hold a painting sale next weekend!
Details: It will be by appointment only. Visit in person or via video call. I will have my paintings on display at home in my sun porch. You can book a 30min time slot to browse.
No obligation to purchase anything, of course! You’re welcome to just look around.
Open hours will be Saturday the 20th and Sunday the 21st from 9am – 4pm. Timeslots are 30 minutes on the hour or half hour. Send me a message to book. "
I always wondered about who was pushing along the popularity of Ian Chew and now I know the reality of the "Humans of Sackville" project.
Ian Chew is a 'global change agent' now.
Ian Chew - Member Profile - TakingITGlobal (tigweb.org)
Ian is now based in New York New York with a place called "Seminal" according to his open Facebook page Ian Chew | Facebook
Mount Allison University administration and the local townsfolk here were all very good to him...[he received financial compensation from them]..
I wish that I could say the same thing but my experience here as an immigrant British-born woman .. very different - to say the least.
Facebook photo - Ian pictured with woman who helped drive Ian Chew's success & income stream.
My unique "Beauties in N.B." project is truly INDIE and its based in Sackville New Brunswick as I am a long-time resident.... features people from all over the province.. photography work done by me with no funding .. I'm happily self employed.
Those who are shunning me are all about following the herd and controlling the narrative and muzzling those that do not agree with them and the acceptable ideological stances they hold as "progressives"... ie. they are intolerant and they lack respect for the views of others.. no doubt Angela T. is part of the lynch mob here that had me banned from the university campus in 2016 [for one year] and administrators had used threats and actions against me using lawyers and letters to try to shut me up...
They know who I am and what I do but they all work actively AGAINST me.. why?
I once paid Struts Gallery $40 to join as a member for a year. I later realized that was a mistake as I was attempting to support an organization/enterprise that had zero interest in supporting me. I won't make that mistake again.... the local clique have zero interest in helping out with supporting a great concrete skatepark project for the youth / tourism... weird... why? You would think they'd see this as a great thing.. more at this link: Tantramar Skate Park Project 2021
I paid $50 in 2013 to Paul Henderson [now the director of Struts Gallery in 2021/2022] to create some promotional cards for my project Safe Schools NB....
.. after a three month delay he did provide the cards... perhaps he regretted the task to help me out?Removing a toxic sodium fluoride weekly mouth rinse programme [poison] from the schools seemed like worthwhile bit of advocacy work to me since 2010 when I arrived here... so..... how did that become something that caused others to shun me? I will never understand the mentality of folks.
No politicians, locals, or town workers have seen fit to help with promotion of the "Tantramar Skate Park Project"... this is very unfortunate....
.... onwards and upwards in 2022
Maybe its about 'credentials'? Andrea Mortson is a high profile commercially successful Canadian artist who is paid well for her paintings/artwork.
Andrea Mortson - Galerie 3 (lagalerie3.com)
FYI many years ago Ian Chew had seen me in town doing my photography project outreach with people before he started his project... that is the truth.. Ian Chew became popular essentially doing the same thing as me but doing something more... he used his project to do data mining and social engineering and personal profiling of the locals in public spaces here with his photography and his story commentary online. [invasive stuff and I remember I once asked him not to photograph children here without permission of their parents, should not have had to say it really he should have known that is important]
The local Facebook page actually twice featured the former chapel rev. John Perkin at Mount Allison University [by request no doubt by local 'community organizers'].
Ian Chew received a few generous financial rewards from the deep pocketed university for his efforts - how very nice for him.
Their desire to actively snub me here has in all honesty never stopped me from working on my project...
The indie photography that I do and love cards have been my ongoing pleasure to give out during the past decade-- especially during this last two years of fraud covid hoax sadistic misery.. I hope it helps!What I learned here.. they are grant-writers and nannystatists and best understood as 'doing things the old way' not understanding that true inclusion and true generosity toward others is the only worthwhile and reasonable approach.Ian Chew photo is included in my project's video slideshow at this link below:
Beautiful People in New Brunswick indie photography project since 2011 (bitchute.com)
November 2012 newspaper coverage by the old Sackville Tribune Post which no longer exists in Sackville NB... Saltwire ended their long run here last year. Sackville Tribune-Post | (warktimes.com)
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