

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Local Agenda 21 for Blonds [ Niki Raapana ]

some commentary on an old youtube video from Niki Raapana's Youtube Channel..

The 1972 PARTI QUEBECOIS manifesto also speaks in quite odd jargon about the "perfectibility" of "human nature" and suggests that once Quebec has become "independent", its citizens will be subjected to various "programs" to modify human nature on a gradual basis. It specifically refers in French to the "Homme-Loup" (Man-Wolf), a term used to represent normal, unfettered human nature IN THE CONTEXT OF what we know as CIVILIZATION. This unacceptable state of affairs (individual liberty) is described as follows by the communist drafters of the 1972 manifesto, who were and are supported by the multinationals such as Power Corporation of Canada (I'm going to give you the French from the top of page 37 of the 1972 manifesto, and then I'll translate it for you): "Il faut extirper autant et aussi vite que possible, cette fausse idée de la liberté individuelle, qui n'aboutit en pra­tique qu'à la liberté du renard dans le poulailler, du fort aux dépens du faible, du gros aux dépens du petit, et qu'on reconnaît dans la plupart des refrains qui chantent les attraits les plus douteux du statu quo." TRANSLATION: "It is necessary to extirpate as much and as rapidly as possible, this false idea of individual liberty, which in practice amounts to nothing but the liberty of the fox in the hen house, of the strong at the expense of the weak, of the big at the expense of the small, and which one recognizes in majority of refrains which sing the most dubious attractions of the status quo." If you don't believe my translation, you can run it through all kinds of translators online, and ask your French friends.  The whole of the 1972 Quebec "separatist" manifesto (communist) is here online, you can download it. If the link expires, send me a message, although I don't often check my mail in YouTube, I will eventually likely receive it and send you a new link. I suspect that this plan to "extirpate" "individual liberty" is connected to the viewpoint you mention of these Agenda 21-ers that anyone who HAS anything, food, land, property, is "greedy" and "selfish".  (Of course, that means you and me, and not those who own and operate the multinationals that are taking things over.)

"British and Dutch royalty".  Well, here in Canada, you aren't in fact "royalty" if you are under a false oath. If you take the Crown under an oath you have no intention of respecting; or your intention changes after you take it, and you decide to run things your own way, you are a USURPER. You have no rights to any benefits and emoluments that come with the Crown. The Crown is a political institution, an institution of government, and if you USURP this Crown so as to abuse your authority and impose your personal rule in place of the lawful rule of genuine responsible, accountable government, you are NO "royalty".  You are nothing but on your way out for perjury of your oath and usurpation.

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