

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Professor Dennis Meadows Interview p4/4 (A 'peaceful collapse' & many revolutions...)

Youtube channel is called "We Love Earth".. [I guess they don't love humans though huh?]

Here's the final part of our interview series with Dennis Meadows, co-author of The Limits to Growth (1972) – a book/report that laid that foundation under modern environmental thinking – and that we as @We Love Earth still look to with great gratitude and respect. We really hope you liked the series and if you do, would care to pass it on to friends! Today we have the final video in the 4-part series. Here Dennis Meadows answers our two final questions: 'what is your biggest hope?' and 'do we need a revolution, and if so: what kind of revolution?' When it comes to hope, Meadows – knowing collapse of the current global system is certain – hopes for a peaceful, slow collapse, more like a degrowth transition. To get there still requires revolutions, very many revolutions, on all thinkable levels – from the personal to the way we organise politics and the way we reward corporate CEOs. We need everything. We would like to thank Dennis Meadows for his time and for (again) sharing his many ideas. We would also like to thank the Club of Rome Dutch Association, who invited Mr Meadows to come to the Netherlands and enabled our interview, and Nyenrode Business University who offered a location. For those who missed it, below are the links to part 1 to 3 of our interview: Part 1: Climate change, Overpopulation: Part 2: Science and 'Caring': Part 3: Overshoot & Collapse: Thank you all for watching! (For more go to

Link to Limits to Growth scanned copy... below

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