

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Climate change grifters are gonna grift... John Sauven, Greenpeace UK 2009 / William and Harry / Rainforests and Frogs and More

N.B. blog above was recommended by Juan O'Savin at his interview with the New Templars Dylan Louis Munroe  at this link:

NB: Video linked in the blog is connected with a UK guy "John Sauven", Executive Director, Greenpeace, discusses rainforests and climate change and calls for people and businesses to sign up to The Princes Rainforests Project. For more information and to send your Rainforest SOS, visit http://www.rainforestsos dot org 

At these links mirrored from the channel "rainforestsproject" on Youtube from 2009:

The Prince's Rainforest Project with John Sauven, Greenpeace Grifter (

Climate Change Grifters John Sauven Greenpeace UK with Friends William and Harry 2009 (

For these Flat Lie Royals the climate grift has been huge...
Climate grifters come in all shapes and sizes...

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