

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Wendy's & Sports Illustrated Show Support For Lisa LaFlamme - Replaced by Omar from Africa

"Half a century after my parents were expelled from Uganda and were welcomed by compassionate and generous Canadians from coast to coast to coast, starting this journey with you tonight means a great deal to me, and it validates the promise of possibility," Omar Sachedina continued.

"But I am just one part of a tireless team determined to share stories with you about what matters to Canadians, and what brings us together. Our mission is to do that objectively, with balance and with different perspectives."

Next, Sachedina addressed the firing of Lisa LaFlamme, acknowledging that she should have been able to make her farewell on air, at the very least.

"Finally, it is important for me to acknowledge the inspiration and mentor that Lisa LaFlamme has been to me over the years. Lisa, thank you for everything. Like many of you, I really wish Lisa's goodbye could have been from here," the new anchor said.

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