

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Kevin MacDonald — The State of the Right — Interregnum #63 Podcast

* The Occidental Observer (TOO) website, with information about where (at the bottom of the home page) to obtain Professor Kevin MacDonald’s books, including those listed below: . * Professor Kevin MacDonald’s JQ trilogy: 1. A People That Shall Dwell Alone (1994) – evolutionary perspective on Jewish ethogenesis; 2. Separation and Its Discontents (1998) – evolutionary perspective on Anti-Semitism; 3. The Culture of Critique (1998) – modern ‘counter culture’ as Jewish group evolutionary strategy; * Professor Kevin MacDonald’s analysis of the developmental trajectory of evolutionary strategy in Indo-European ethnicities: Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition (2019); * The controversy around Professor Kevin MacDonald’s recently ‘cancelled’ paper ‘The Default Hypothesis Fails to Explain Jewish Influence’ – ‘Retraction of My Article on Jewish Influence, 8 July 2022; * Alexander Wolfheze’s essay ‘From JQ to IQ’, Arktos Journal 6 February 2019; * Alexander Wolfheze’s reference to ‘shape-shifting modern Judaism, cf. Ch.3, paragraph ‘Inverted Judaism’ in: Alexander Wolfheze, The Sunset of Tradition (Cambridge Scholars 2018); This edition’s theme song: A taste of the awesome struggle against the Lord of the Nibelungs (the real ‘Lord of the Rings’) ruling magically enslaved Nibelheim: the underworld rising in Richard Wagner’s opera ‘Das Rheingold’ – best in Herbert von Karajan’s all-out, over-the-top renderings. With not-bad scenery, and English subtitles (learn German, you primitives!) YT ‘Wagner: Das Rheingold’ on channel James Lupolt, uploaded 14 October 2020: from 1hr53min.

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