June 25, 2019 video "The corrupted global system is in its death throes.
Egypt's pharaonic bloodline families direct the Banking Cartel. At the end of WWII these families no longer owned the world's wealth. José Rizal and Ferdinand Marcos controlled these assets. Ferdinand Marcos had the position of M1 and José Rizal was the Superior General of the Society of Jesus.
Rizal melted down the gold in Singapore, stamped it with the logo of the Global Debt Facility , and deposited it in the Global Debt Facility for the benefit of humanity. Rizal and Marcos created the World Bank and IMF as a world cooperative so that there could be a peaceful transition and an end to the Banking Cartel. At the end of the teleprompter I will give you the minutes of the meeting where José Rizal made that deposit on "January 3, 1949, subject to continuance until 2005". The assets were sequestered until 2005 under the Statute of Limitations so that there would be a peaceful transition. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitt...
What was the Black Nobility and Banking Cartel trying to hide from you? The gold that does not belong to the Black Nobility. The Banking Cartel is now dragging its feet until they understand there is nothing to be gained. The Black Nobility has lost. If I'm OK, then you know that humanity retains control of the world's wealth in the Global Debt Facility, as José Rizal and Ferdinand Marcos intended
Teleprompter: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/dctvt... "
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"The Critical Mass is working together to put the puzzle pieces together. Reality is manifest. The truth is becoming visible to each of us who uses our abilities to discern. We are all learning and teaching one another."
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