

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Reposting from 5/26/2023 - Joseph Gregory Hallett - King John III - Memes, Jack Kidd, and More


Thanks to filmmaker and descendant of New Brunswick's Lord Beaverbrook for his tremendous efforts in ensuring the creation of "The Hidden King" 2020 documentary with Greg Hallett and Dave Mahoney - well done

Jack Kidd #shadowbanned (@jackkiddpolo) / X

Make art, make media, make love

Make videos.. Hail King John III Joseph Gregory Hallett - Public Notes May 24, 2023 (

Commending Jack Kidd's efforts here: [ Hallett, Mahoney and Ward in 2020 ]

Greg Hallett Interviewed in 2020 with Jack Kidd in Scotland (

Published in 2020 - Daily Mail UK's "hit piece" article on Jack Kidd here:

How Jodie Kidd's brother is at forefront of conspiracy theorists who say world's run by paedophiles | Daily Mail Online

A new reality... bye bye deathcult...

Greg Hallett spoke on face masks in 2020:

Greg Hallett's advice: "Wearing a mask is identifying you as one of the 95% to be killed because you're identified as stupid and not reacting to save your own life; and also wearing a mask is dressing the same as the paedophiles dress when they're raping children; you know what I'm saying? Its so that the paedophiles feel at home surrounded by people in masks."

With Jack Kidd on Twitter at:

Jack Kidd #shadowbanned (@jackkiddpolo) / Twitter

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