GenX Artivist - Beautiful People in New Brunswick.. an indie photography project since in 2011 🦊 Stay foxy and be peaceful 🦊
Sunday, June 2, 2024
Nostradamus Prophecies of King David & King John III, 2 June 2024 - Joseph Gregory Hallett
Jun 2, 2024
DATE 2022, QUATRAIN 10/2022
“Because they disapprove of his divorce
A man, who, later, they considered unworthy
The people will force out the King of the Islands
A man will replace him who never expected to be king.”
The UK Public saw Charles’ marriage to Diana as a sham. The Public disapproved of the way Charles divorced Diana.
The Public then considered Charles an unworthy king.
The Public then force Charles out as king.
For the Kingdom to be united and for it to be truly called the United Kingdom, Scotland and England need to be united, legitimately and not by the existing frauds.
Legitimacy can be achieved by King David, true King of Scotland and King John, King of the Kingdom of England, Exchanging of Colours. King David’s maternal Plantagenet lineage means he has claim to every English King who has left descendents (one aspect of the Merovingian Bloodline). From his paternal St Clair lineage (the other aspect of the Merovingian Bloodline) he is linked to all the Kings of Scotland, hence the two Kingdoms are united in the very blood that runs through his veins.
And by happy chance, the two kings are cousins.
They are the Two Keys, Two Men who did not expect to be king, Two Men who the people of the Isles did not expect to be king, and Two men who are from the True Royal Bloodline, King David, the Merovingian King, and his Chosen One King John the Third.
DATE 2023, QUATRAIN 5/23 [MAY 2023]
“The two contenders will unit together
When most others united with Mars
The African leader is fearful, and trembles
The dual alliance is separated by the fleet.”
“Fleet” is ‘Fleet Street’ meaning the Media.
The Media (Fleet Street) keeps the people separated and divided with lies, as we are witnessing at this very moment.
The Media keeps force-feeding people the lie that Charles the Chump is king, and that his family are royal.
He is not the true legitimate king, and his family are not royal.
Clampetts of The Beverly Hillbillies have more claim to being Royal.
The two contenders King David and King John united together on 16 May 2023, meeting point to point, when most were focussed on war (Mars) in the Ukraine (beginning February 2022–) then Gaza (beginning October 2023–).
“African leader” means ‘First Family’.
“First Family” means the Merovingian Messianic Bloodline Lineage, and St Clair and Plantagenet.
The “tremble” is that King David and King John the Third tremble in anger at the way the people are being treated by the fake royal family and its beast government system.
The “two contenders” are the two True Champions.
DATE 2029, QUATRAIN 2/29
“The man from the East will leave his home
And cross the Apennine Mountains, to see France.
He will pierce through the skies, the seas, and the snow
He will strike everyone with his staff.”
The sun rises first in New Zealand qualifying as “the East”.
The man from the East is King John the Third, who left New Zealand in 1988, 2010 and 2011.
The Apennine Mountains run North–South through Italy.
The Merovingian Kingdom was in France. “France” refers to King David, the Merovingian St Clair Plantagenet.
“the skies, the seas, and the snow” refers to Scotland.
When King John went to Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland with King David on 15 June 2023, they fulfilled ‘The Da Vinci Code’ 2003 book, and 2006 movie.
On that day, they both carried their staff (the two Staffs, the two Pillars, Black & White).
King John is the Moses, and King David is the Anointed One. The Moses carries the Staff of Moses.
King John did cross the Apennine Mountains, and went to Rome five times ... then Pope Francis abdicated his title Vicar of Christ on 25 March 2020, confirmed by naming “Joseph” “Gregory” 16 days later on Easter Friday 2020.
DATE 2041, QUATRAIN 5/41
“Born inside the shadows, on the very day of an eclipse
He will be sovereign in rule and goodness
He will renew his blood at the ancient urn
Restoring the golden age with bronze.”
At the very moment of King David’s birth there was a complete Solar Eclipse in the Southern Hemisphere, and a Black Moon in the Northern Hemisphere.
The Black Sun and the Black Moon are very auspicious for Kingship.
He will renew the True Royal Bloodline back to its True Royal Status, as alluded to by JRR Tolkien ...
‘From the ashes the fire shall be woken.
A light from the shadows shall spring.
Renewed shall be blade [bloodline] that was broken.
The Crownless again shall be king.’
“blade” is ‘bloodline’, so the Bloodline is renewed.
King John will be going with King David to the sacred place. King David and King John will usher in the Golden Age.
Bronze refers to statues of perfect physique.
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