

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Randy Hillier former independant MLA Ontario

Website: Former MPP Randy Hillier - Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston


 Randy Hillier on X: "Whats Going On! Twenty-five years ago, I realized that a profound and dangerous shift was underway in Canada which would ultimately take me away from my private life as a Husband, father and electrician into a very public advocate and public personality. My world and Canada were" / X

Randy Hillier
Whats Going On! Twenty-five years ago, I realized that a profound and dangerous shift was underway in Canada which would ultimately take me away from my private life as a Husband, father and electrician into a very public advocate and public personality. My world and Canada were shifting quickly. The values, morals and ethics that were timeless and inalienable truths of my youth were becoming increasingly rare and seldom shared by the majority of people I knew. The Ten Commandments were fast becoming the ten suggestions and the seven deadly sins were rapidly becoming seven politically correct virtues. Initially, and like many people I placed the responsibility and blame for this change squarely on the doorstep of our governments and institutions, but over the past twenty-five years I realized that I was only partially correct. I began writing opinion articles to illustrate the dangers I could see coming on the horizon from our public policies and laws, but the decay and erosion of our culture continued. I then became active for the first time in local politics in hopes to move Canada off this destructive path. It was during this time my wife and I decided that to better protect our family we needed to move to a rural property that offered more privacy, self-sufficiency and independence from the government. Myself and a few great individuals started an association that would successfully oppose this trend and bring awareness to many more Canadians-The Lanark landowners, and our slogan, back off government.” For fifteen years I served in the provincial parliament representing Lanark & Frontenac counties; trying to drain the government swamp. However, during covid and with starting No More Lockdowns I came to realize the government swamp was just a small adjunct to a much more significant swamp-our Canadian culture was the real problem. Two years ago, I decided to leave politics behind and focus on protecting my family from the gathering cultural, economic and political wars and defend myself against the legal machine and monster that is attacking so many Canadians and lastly help mobilize and encourage like-minded Canadians to climb this hill together to revive and restore Canadian culture and reach our destination. You can read and learn more on my uncensored substack page No More Lockdowns-Randy Hillier

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