

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Anglophone East DEC councillor Kristin Cavoukian - Mount Allison University Academic Boosted by Erica Butler

July 17, 2024 reporting from Erica Butler who is an imported from "Halifax Examiner" in 2020 propagandist for Mount Allison University news site CHMA FM 106.9 and boosts the voice of change agents including Kristin Cavoukian.

Kristin is a lecturer on leave from Toronto university:

Kristin Cavoukian | Political Science (

Listed as a part time lecturer at Mount Allison University [Sackville New Brunswick]:

Kristin Cavoukian | Mount Allison (

What brought Kristin down to work in New Brunswick? 

Does she have any children in the public school system in New Brunswick?

What is her Agenda?  

How long has Kristin lived in New Brunswick?

"Councillor says elected DECs help keep party politics out of education, defends legal spending"

"CHMA spoke with Anglophone East DEC councillor Kristin Cavoukian last week to learn more about the council’s position in both its case against the province, and the provincial case against the DEC. We started off asking Cavoukian about a recent DEC decision to pursue an appeal of Judge Tracey DeWare’s decision to deny the council legal standing in its Policy 713 case."

Councillor says elected DECs help keep party politics out of education, defends legal spending » CHMA, Voice of the Marshes (

"Concerns over legal spending ‘disingenuous’

Education Minister Bill Hogan has long criticized the DEC for its spending on the Policy 713 case. In December last year, Hogan denied the DEC’s request for funding to cover legal fees for its case against the province, going so far as to change the department’s policy on how DECs can access funding to cover legal fees. In a letter on July 8, Hogan says that just over $400,000 in legal fees were “misappropriated” and “wasted” by the Anglophone East DEC."

"Kristin Cavoukian holds a doctorate in Political Science from the University of Toronto. Her research focuses on state-diaspora relations, and how states encourage the formation of loyal and compliant organizations of their compatriots abroad. Her areas of interest include the former Soviet Union, the South Caucasus, the intersection of nationalism and gender, and the legacy of Soviet nationalities policies for post-Soviet nation building. She has taught courses on ethnicity and nationalism, global politics, and comparative politics."

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