

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Rest in peace Werner Bock... New Brunswick Advocate and Farmer born in Germany

 Who was Werner Bock?  Interview here:  Werner Bock - Raw Interview - May 10th, 2014 (

More here from CBC news article here from December 3, 2013:

Farmer Werner Bock who says lasers killed cows now in custody | CBC News

"A cattle farmer facing two charges of failing to care for his animals has had his case delayed again after he failed to see a psychiatrist, as he was twice instructed to do by a New Brunswick judge.

Werner Bock of Petitcodiac, who claims lasers and heat rays killed his cows, was taken into custody following a brief appearance in Moncton provincial court on Tuesday.

Judge Troy Sweet had asked Bock to go for a psychiatric assessment in August before rendering his decision in the case, but the accused refused to comply with that request, so the judge ordered him taken into custody so an assessment can be carried out.

Bock is facing two charges of failing to provide proper food and water to his animals during the spring of 2011.

He is scheduled to return to court on Dec. 6.

During the trial, Crown witnesses testified about a pile of carcasses under hay bales, a dead cow in a brook and others buried in the woods.

Bock contends the case against him is a conspiracy by the government, veterinarians, the RCMP and the CBC.

He previously told court a psychiatrist had found him to be suffering from paranoia and he doesn't trust them."

Facebook page here:  Support Werner Bock - Stop Agricultural & Ecological Terrorism | Facebook

"What's on my mind?
I am not Werner Bock.
I am Renate Detels, his widow.
He died December 5. 2019.
He was murdered with directed energy weapons in our driveway,
in front of me.
I tried to retrieve my FB account, and they let me in after 9 years, only to switch it to "Support Werner Bock"
What A-holes they are. Anyway all the content of m old FB was gone.
Werner is in the local graveyard in Petitcodiac, and I am still living in our marital home with some of our cats.
The harassment is going through the roof, because now I am alone and have no witness of their dirty deeds. They since poisoned the water supply, it is BLUE, most likely fluoride, and 3 big trees on the side of the house facing the neighbour, broke off and fell down due to the constand radiation with directed energy weapons. You can also observe the ivy, which is trying to take over the house and trying to climb onto the roof, is only knee high on the side facing the neighbour. They use all kids of weapons, some make a beeping sound, others a blunt boom, boom, boom in the right ear. yet others are making me heat up and get confused and I have to run away from the spot. Scalar waves most likely.
Werner's computer screen was shooting me all the time, although I had the computer unplugged.
I fortified the entrance to the driveway with barrels and radial steel tires. They still drive by and try to shoot me every time I open the front door. The observation is seamless 24/7 365.
Werner was a fighter and an activist and he had a really good heart and wanted the best for everybody. He was kind and trusting.
I still miss him a lot.
However I need to get on with my life and would like to close this FB and get my own account back.
Any idea how to do it?"

Read more here at Ontario Landowners website with Cheryl Gallant MP May 2023 article:

Werner Bock was aware of the Agenda.. he tried to warn others... may he rest in peace.

More here at this interview with Werner Bock and England's Andrew Carrington Hitchcock [who has also interviewed Greg Hallett in the past]:

Werner Bock's friend Renate Detels' testimony about being targetted here:

"Detels, Renate

mind control, body control, psychotronic weapons, electromagnetic weapons, electronic harassment, gang stalking, targeted individual, cybertorture, Sherri Guarnieri


Address: New Brunswick, Canada


I am a targeted individual (TI) in New Brunswick, Canada. I don’t really know, when I was first attacked. The more I think about it and talk to other people, the more I think it all started way long ago.

The obvious physical attacks started in Vancouver in 2000. This is when the poisoning started, and the electronic harassment (EH) went to a visible level. I used to think perpetrators inject me with pesticide, now I know the shallow indents are EH damage. I saw pictures on the Internet from EH victims, and they match mine.

For a long time I thought it is a personal vendetta from some Romanian people, whom I shared an apartment building of 52 units with for 4 years. They ganged up on me and made my life hell.
They poisoned everything. It still happens, but not at this level. They were ruthless. Nobody ever believed me, not my family, not my friends. In 2000 there was nothing on the Internet, so I thought it only happened to me. I had no idea that other people could go through the same torture.

In 2004 I tried to escape the situation and went to my native Germany, where I stayed the maximum allowed time, 3 years. In a very short time the criminals followed me there, and it all started again. I moved 12 times and was in 2 mental hospitals against my will. In the last one I only narrowly escaped being put away for life in a group home. Only my action of calling a judge saved me. This was luck, because the judge was not biased or bought like many are now. He took a whole hour to listen, while I set every twisted word of my statement right. At the end he asked me, which supervision I would like to live under, and I said that I don’t think I need any supervision and can very well make my own decisions. He said “yes, I think that too.” And that was that.

I am fully aware that I can be put away in Canada at the drop of a hat again. Although it should be a little more difficult, as I have learned a lot and became smarter about when to be quiet and how to play the game.

I lived in Vancouver again since 2007. I had a part time job for 2 years, then they lost the client, and my job became obsolete. Since then I had no significant job and live on disability. Of course, every time I have work, the perpetrators increase the treatment.

My biggest problem is that the perpetrators figured out, how to cut me remotely under the skin, and they are shrinking my skull and chin and other body parts. The perpetrators use us for medical and surgical experimentation and have shrunk my coccyx by half. I had it X-rayed, and my doctor told me this. They are further shrinking it. They also mutilated me in different ways, I have a Tinnitus in my right ear, and sometimes my lips are a bright dark red in the morning, and my fingernails at the top look like somebody took a bite out of it, these two symptoms point to carbon monoxide poisoning. I have a nose implant, which the Nose, Ear and Throat doctor gave me in Vancouver in 2003. It can be felt in my nose. I think that all the places they hit me every day with total precision, are places where I have implants. Once I was told to have my heart examined, and the doctor told me I have implants in my breast that make it hard to see the heart. I never had implants; these must be perpetrators implants, too. Also I can see 2 wires one cm apart around my ankles. They are visible underneath the skin. When I had the minor brain surgery to stop my facial nerve from twitching in 1997, the doctor told me that a varicose vein in my brain was banging against my facial nerve which then caused a twitching in my face. The surgeon said he wrapped Teflon felt around the vein to stop it from banging the facial nerve. Veins apparently move, when the blood pressure is rising for any reason. Because the vein is varicose and extended, it bothered the facial nerve. So now I have two black spots on my CT scan, where the Teflon felt shows, but they are like round lumps and it seems to me there is more to it than just Teflon felt. The twitching had been so bad that I could not get a job anymore, because people were appalled by my constantly twitching face.

I had been tortured with microwaves for 20 years from age 32 to 52, which gave me unbearable migraine headaches, until I had to throw up with pain, thinking about suicide to make it stop. All doctors were puzzled about these headaches, because they did not fit the pattern or “normal” migraines. I know that they were induced by microwaves.

I can be “switched off” temporarily without noticing it, or I experience a light dizziness, when I return into reality. It is hard to describe, mostly I am unaware, but confused.

Perpetrators can see what I see.

I also suffer from extreme gang stalking and Electronic Harassment attacks from street perpetrators and cars. When I try to escape and walk in back alleys in remote areas, a certain floater plane flies over my head repeatedly. I have photographed it and filmed it and put it onto the MCactivism forum.

They poison our food and shoot us with directed energy, ionizing radiation and microwaves. We shielded the house from microwaves, but they still do a lot of damage with the ionizing radiation from cars driving by on the road. I have a Geiger counter and a Microwave meter, so I know what I am talking about. I also have a Gauss meter and Trifield meter.

Meanwhile, I…don’t want to say “got used to it”, but I am more relaxed about the torture, if one ever can get relaxed, but I have come to the realization that I cannot change it. I moved away from Vancouver and live with my friend Werner Bock, who is a TI too, and many TIs know him because of his you tube video “Farmer’s Ordeal”. The perpetrators killed many of his cattle and are poisoning his land to this day. Now, they are killing our pets and killed two cats last year and one this year. Both my children and my husband were tortured with microwaves. My daughter had thin hair, losing hair, which are signs of microwave radiation. My son was found dead in a hotel in Poland, when he was 25. I don’t know what happened. I was in Canada at this time and felt bad about myself that I could not protect him. I found out, that many, many TIs have lost children under unclear and mysterious circumstances."

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