

Saturday, November 9, 2019

MSVU - Responding to posters....

Dr. Alex Khasnabish 
Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Sociology and Anthropology 

“The ‘It’s okay to be white’ posters are an Alt Right propaganda campaign thatDr Alex Khasnabish msvufirst circulated in October 2017 on 4chan, an online forum notorious for its culture of trolling and ironic oppressiveness, and has recirculated every year since. The slogan is meant to provoke critical responses that are then used by the Alt Right as evidence that whiteness is under attack, that those concerned with social justice are overwrought hypocrites, and to draw white people into far-right politics. While the slogan seems innocuous it actually has long circulated in the white power movement, used by groups like the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis, and racist skinheads. Like oxygen for a fire, arguing with the slogan only feeds the campaign. Instead, we need to address the enduring relations of oppression and exploitation that shape our society and then commit to a path of collective liberation rather than scapegoating and dehumanization. Other oppressed and exploited people are not our enemies. As the old Wobbly saying goes, ‘an injury to one is an injury to all’.” 

Alex has been seen on television wearing an " ANTIFA " tshirt .. and of course advocating for the removal of the Cornwallis statue .. and previously blogged about here: [ based in Halifax Nova Scotia Canada ]

The " gaslighters " in our universities are starting to get the message...

Hands from all over took part in the excellent It’s Okay To Be White campaign yesterday

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