

Friday, January 10, 2020

Kurt Phillips - teacher and blogger and Alex van Hamme

Kurt Phillips is an unapologetic dedicated 
Canadian blogger and a high school teacher
at St. Anthony's Catholic School in Drumheller Alberta

I prefer to promote the indie website:
Shawn Paul Melville and his collaborative team.

One of the people blogged about by Kurt Phillips is Alex Van Hamme, 
in Ontario - Alex is founder of 'start up' Free Bird Media...

My thoughts on Alex at this point:
Alex is two-faced and has no personal integrity.

Alex says that he promotes free speech but censors, abuses and ridicules people regularly online... he pretended recently at a protest rally 
over the firing of Don Cherry that he didn't know who 
Ronny Cameron was and let people attack/mob Ronny
and call him 'antifa' when he knew very well who Ronny was..

Alex van Hamme's Free Bird Media
 is currently promoted by website
 because in his words:

"Please understand that FBM is a free speech platform that is run by someone who opposes anti-white racism. I am experienced at this, and the website links to FBM because I like to network with intelligent individuals like Dr. Ricardo Duchesne. It is important to understand that white identity politics and white nationalism are not the same thing. So while FBM does promote some white identity politics are we are anti-anti-white racism themed platforms, but actually neo nazis disgust us. ... "
Two youtubers meet - Alex and Ronny at a Pamela Geller event in Toronto.

Alex van Hamme hypocritically removes comments, blocks people on
his livestreams and removes youtube commentary on his channel
and he has also blocked emails..  he's a curiously confused chap..
he admits to being a marijuana user and 
he poses with a bottle of beer in 
his Twitter photo which also features a photo of his book shelf because
he's a very intellectual *cough* guy..
If your hero is Saul Alinsky the agitator... you're in trouble...

I stopped listening to Alex van Hamme because he produces a lot of boring, rambling, self-absorbed content .. many hours of it .. why? wtf?

I had supported and promoted his fledgling organization here downeast with
posters and posts on Facebook and Twitter and blogging
 and as well I donated $40 to him in cash...
and purchased a FBM promo cup which I then passed on to 
one my suggested guests for his youtube channel as a gift ... 
I regret any financial support I have given Alex as
my experience with him was a negative one overall..

Back when I used Facebook and Twitter Alex interviewed some people at my suggestion such as Ricardo Duchesne, Rick Mehta, Tim Moen, and K.M. Breakey
but Alex ignored my suggestion to look into the work of 
"Fluoridation Free Toronto" 
Alex was amused when my Facebook and Twitter were suspended ..

Alex had video interviews with Richard Spencer on his channel
 but they are now marked private.. odd.

Alex presents as being honest and ethical but is he?
 Why was he labelling others "trash right" and pursuing an ongoing
petty battle putting down Ronnny Cameron at Proper Gander TV 

 A 5K platform could be used for more interesting work than
incessantly talking about oneself and I think that he struggles with the simple task of collaborating and networking honestly with others..
he's seems most happy when he is smugly putting others down 
and insulting their intelligence 
.. meanwhile he's promoting agitator/community organizer 
Saul Alinsky? go figure....?

Alex van Hamme says he is attempting to re-brand himself 
as an "indie" guy with the handle of 

On his Free Bird Media Channel he recently put out a new video
to Kurt Phillips that Alex called 
"An Open Letter to Kurt Phillips - Voice of Antifa"
[ about 13 minutes of cringey rambling where
 he also asks Kurt to talk to him and Kurt's students to contact him ]

Hopefully Kurt continues to laugh at Alex...
perhaps we'll see a video from Kurt in response...

 'troll' might best describe grifter Alex....
[troll meme below from ARC].

.... some commentary left on the videos includes:--

So if you think that Kurt insights violence, why would you tag him in a series of tweets and then ask me about my political beliefs? You’re so cringe.

I am also a former student of Mr Phillips and he was by far my favourite teacher, he was never politically outspoken in class, quite the opposite he was very adamant on keeping his own views private so that everybody in his class can have their own opinions and decisions, he judges by character and not just political Views. One of his best friends in the school is a right wing follower and they get along great. Calling the school he works at is a terrible choice and makes you look like a scumbag. There are children there and other teachers with no affiliation to kurt that are now terrified that some neo nazi is gonna come into the school looking for revenge. You claim that citing violence is one of his greatest crimes, so how is giving his name, face, phone and house number, let alone his place of work full of innocent CHILDREN not considered an open invitation to harass or do worse. Kurt is a great guy, and it sucks that people are trying to make him a villain for just being opposed to racist and anti-Semitic scum bags

Kurt and Hategan fell out because he fell for her and she rebuffed his advances, as he wouldn't desist in pursuing a romantic relationship despite her protestations that she was a lesbian and not into men. She has said as much in private conversation, but now refuses to address it because she's been attacked by antifa members and other defenders of Kurt Phillips.
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Bridgette Sanders 
Holy shit.
Jimmy Jihad 
Having low sexual market value and then masquerading as a social justice warrior with a hidden rapey agenda are part and parcel of the scene that Kurt was in the upper echelons of.
Bridgette Sanders 
@Jimmy Jihad I didn't want to go there, but that does seem pretty obvious right...?
Bryan Trottier 
@Jimmy Jihad yeah, antifa is full of these guys. This week we learned similar about "Antifash Gordon" aka Christian Exoo, but there are many more. There is a FB page from montreal callede "collectif des Gamines", which is a feminist antifa page dropping names of rapey antifas., anong them Mike Roy and Brent Cornwall. When it was expose by the right (me) they took it down, because I guess it's better to cover for rapists than shine light on the hypocrisy of leftists. In Toronto last year, a violent psychotic of an ANTIFA named Dave Vasey, suicided by opioids. It soon came out that he was being shunned by his antifa community for sexual misconduct. It's a real problem, it seems.
Now that's one hell of an interesting revelation.
Bryan Trottier 
@AVH MEDIA yeah, shortly after Vasey's death, when they were all doing their "lookitmee I knew/disliked/loved Dave but Rest In Power, Comrade" pageantry, Commie Cetacaean Trish Mills came out and pretty much said "we shunned him for his behaviours around women without offering support, so his death was largely down to us". Couldn't believe it when I saw that. It was like she was demanding attention and succour for having killed him, all the while making the moment about her. Fucking WIERD!!!
Free Bird Media Canada 
Wow, that's quite something if true, that's for sure.
Bryan Trottier 
@Free Bird Media Canada Frank probably has it archived. I'll see if I can find it. It was on the memorial page that his GF Lana Goldberg, set up.
Kendra D 
Dont know who any of these people are but it sounds cult-ish
Bryan Trottier 

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