

Friday, January 10, 2020

Veteran and Crowd Force Ronny Cameron to Leave Don Cherry Support Rally

Why did Alex van Hamme at Free Bird Media pretend that he didn't know Ronny Cameron at this protest about Don Cherry being fired late last year?  Alex laughed and incited violence against Ronny and stood by while they called him 'antifa' and physically attacked and mobbed him... why? Alex has no ethics.  Alex cannot be trusted.  Alex is dishonest.  Alex is a bad faith actor.  Alex is now hiding his videos with Richard Spencer.  Alex is two-faced. #boycott Alex Van Hamme.

attacking our own people so the jihadis dont have to. how nice. and people wonder how we got to this point. anti whites come in all colours even white.
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Free Bird Media Canada 
Can you elaborate on what you mean? Y
Rodney Blue 
@Free Bird Media Canada the constant attacks of white people by white people, what it looked like is that they were attacking him for pointing out the never ending attacks on white people through slander, bullying accusations of wrong doing and wrong think etc etc. yet many many refuse to acknowledge this or even say its happening despite the mounting evidence
Rodney Blue 
@Free Bird Media Canada hm now im confused, just saw this, i thought ron was a right guy who was pointing out the anti white sentiment. help me understand whats going on here pls.
Jerome W 
@Rodney Blue Ronny Cameron is a pro white activist. Free bird media is ran by a gay libertarian.
Free Bird Media Canada 
@Rodney Blue Please understand that FBM is a free speech platform that is run by someone who opposes anti-white racism. I am experienced at this, and the website links to FBM because I like to network with intelligent individuals like Dr. Ricardo Duchesne. It is important to understand that white identity politics and white nationalism are not the same thing. So while FBM does promote some white identity politics are we are anti-anti-white racism themed platforms, but actually neo nazis disgust us. This was a Remembrance day themed event and I have a grandfather that is still alive who is a ww2 combat verteran, none of Ronny's ancestors are veterans so he didn't care about causing a scene at this event.
Free Bird Media Canada 
@Jerome W You better do your homework bud ;-)
Jerome W 
@Free Bird Media Canada You don't actually believe WW2 was about fighting Nazism right? It was a war for and by the bankers. Main reason WW2 occured is because Adolf Hitler stood up to the Rothchilds.
Free Bird Media Canada 
@Jerome W Sure, but do you really think the American soldiers who fought understood that?
Jerome W 
@Free Bird Media Canada Obviously not. That's what pisses me off more..knowing my great Grandfather had no idea what he died for. Btw don't kid yourself back then "racism" was the norm. Average day Americans were not fond of Jews either. Young Americans were conviced that their way of life would be altered. thats why they went and fought.
Free Bird Media Canada 
Jerome W obviously every individual that fought has different motivations. Racism is still the norm in most of the world. At the end of the day however, the allies were definitely not supporting ethnonationalism.
Jerome W 
@Free Bird Media Canada Adolf Hitler was not an "Ethno Nationalist" he believed in racial nationalism. Hitler viewed Germanic peoples as an extended racial family. National Socialism started off as a German phenomenon but ended as a European (White) one. Ethno nationalism was far more prevalent in the United States. Italian pride, Irish pride, Wasp pride ect. Hitler viewed Ethno Nationalism as petty. It takes an Empire not a "hobbit state" to affect global change.

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