

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Updated: "New Zealand: A Blackmailer's Guide: Cons from Within New Zealand" by Greg Hallett


"When the rivers, forests and coastline are removed from this ‘pure country’, cons and compromised politicans show just how far they have gone to serve the New World Order. Lifting the carpet on New Zealand shows it to be a paedophile movement fronting as a country.
The literary movement is a paedophile protectorate. The Prime Minister and Speaker of the House both tried to launch a nuclear strike on Taupo with the KGB's Vladimir Putin.
The government talkshow host is into every drug known to man and married his call girl.
The Head of Social Services was the dominatrix of the Attorney General.
The more sexually deviant a woman is, the further and faster she is promoted, no matter how ingrained the learning difficulties. Male paedophiles are promoted into politics and then to the top positions with complete police cover.
The judiciary shows itself to be a paedophile and crime creation movement whose primary goal is fatherless families.
Israel and China fight it out over New Zealand, deciding to be tolerant of each other, China taking the North Island and Israel taking the South Island, from where Israel plans to take over Antarctica.
The US Navy calls the capital city Wellington, ‘Jerk’, and New Zealand, ‘Flux’, but the New World Order name is ‘New Spain’ – from where the new continent of Antarctica will be exploited.
A list of Intelligence names and addresses are garnered . . .
. . . and a few more attempts on the author’s life – standard now for any author who strays from the agenda.
This book is the result of at least three decades of intelligence research. The histories were collected from multiple sources independent of each other and the results have been disturbing enough to warrant checking and rechecking.
The actual events are so bizarre and unbelieveable that they have to be recorded in detail just to confirm their existence. The media never reports bizarre stories, or the truth, or the bizarre truth. The most common excuse given is ‘fear of litigation’, but the truth is more bizarre − the media are usually connected to the bizarre crap they’re not reporting.
Governments spend huge money and resources covering their true nature – this is called counter-intelligence. Counter-intelligence permeates throughout every government department. It produces nothing, costs the most, controls the media, presents quiet lies to the public, and maintains governments in power. That is the role of counter-intelligence. Its greatest ally is the media, then the police and judiciary.
Counter-intelligence is the most influential and far-reaching government department and is not limited in methods or extent of attack. Anyone who thinks out loud is on their list."Amazon Canada is selling Greg Hallett's books without the profits going to him.
Purchase the ebook at his website:
For the record I have no idea who this lunatic Jackie Ruel is or what she's raging about ..
I've never worked for Charlie Ward or David Mahoney but have promoted Greg Hallett since 2010 in the Maritimes [and I've been censored for doing that work  - five youtube accounts deleted, Facebook and LinkedIn and Twitter accounts removed, and Vimeo].
I promote lots of authors - none of them pay me or employ me - reading is not a crime.

Greg photo is from his book.... 
gorgeous, intelligent, compassionate, humble ... my adopted big brother.

Who is he?

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