

Monday, June 8, 2020

Who is Tom Cahill? Video from 2013 and Updates on Twitter in 2020

Commentary video was put up by " Tom Cahill " on Youtube who has claimed to know Greg Hallett, time period 2013.
Tom Cahill on Twitter:
Youtube video has some additional information in the commentary by someone claiming to be Greg's sister using the name "Really?" .. perhaps Amanda Pink nee Hallett [older sister, divorced] or Tamara Hallett [Greg's younger sister].

Photo of sisters & Mum Wendy from screengrab Facebook video by Amanda Pink.
Watch Tom's testimonial video here - views at 6,219:

"Really?5 years ago
I am Greg Hallett's sister and I find all this hilarious, albeit a tad disturbing that people take all this crap seriously.   Anyone with half a brain knows history is written and rewritten by the winners and things are not and never have been what they seem. Yes, the subconscious is a photographic memory, yes we are susceptible to suggestion and suggestion breeds its own reality....brainwashing has been around forever.  It's used every day from the day we are's what with and how we are brainwashed that causes the problems. Nothing new there. Our father taught us to believe about 4% of what we read in a newspaper so thinking outside the box has always been the norm. However...the trouble with our Greg is, as anyone who's read his work will understand....that he starts off with a little bit of plausable stuff and gets carried away adding on and adding on until it becomes sublimely ridiculous. Hilarious though.  He should have been a comedic writer...he'd be famous as fuck by now,...and rich! Shame! That's what he his own words...'waking up and peeling the dollar signs off my eyes'.  He could've used his comedy to enlighten people but instead he has isolated himself from most of the world, including his family.  Our poor mother who is admired by all who have ever met her has lost a son...and not to death.  She'll be 80 in a few months and he hasn't spoken to her for about 15 years.  She's an independent thinker herself.  He sent her a bill for $250,000 cos he thought his life was fucked up and it was her fault....go figure. If you could read some of the affidavits he's written about us you'd take a week getting off the floor with laughter. Regularly (every year or so) we invite him back into the fold.  He tells people (including my own daughter), that WE dumped him....not true, but when we reflect on our loss we often come to the conclusion that he treated us with such derision and disrespect that we are better off without him.  The rest of us have a good strong loving relationship and we are all independent, very happy people. The pedophilia and brainwashing he talks about....he spent a year or so living in a cult commune when first at Uni....everyone was encouraged to sleep with others whether they fancied them or not and partners were chosen for you...goggle it....Centrepoint, Albany, Auckland, New Zealand...the guy who ran it is in prison for pedophilia.  Now that's when Greg really started to get strange, all who knew him back then say the same. Make no mistake, he is NOT a psychopath, he is a sociopath.  There is a big difference.  He was born without a conscience....I could tell you many stories.... The's huge and always has been, part of the sociopathy. This is where the dickhead stuff comes in.  He never used to be a dickhead, he was intelligent and fun but that was a long time ago. He's not been under threat of death in NZ....politicians there think he's a joke. An over vivid imagination, yes.  Never any evidence is one problem. He has some good points and I agree with quite a bit of the stuff he says about the situation of fathers in law courts (all across the world not just in NZ) but he's not telling you the truth about his own experiences either.  It had always been agreed that his daughter would spend a year with him before becoming an adult which she willingly did.  Her experience living with him is her story but he lost his benefit when she left and went to Uni and not long afterwards he left the country without even telling her.  She has a very close and loving relationship with her mother. We had a fun and carefree upbringing, we were very lucky. Every family has their idiosyncrasies but most people grow through that, not let it become them. Saying that, he's still the funniest guy I've ever known but if you're not saying what he wants to hear, the conversation is over....forever. Tom is probably right, he would set up his own publicity stunts. Chain smoking....addictive personality...he didn't start smoking till his 40's, he didn't drink in his 20's and 30's...he loathed it as a habit and disrespected people who smoked and drank...ironic. Anyway, if he sees this it'll annoy the shit out of him but won't make any difference to our non-existent relationship and he will turn it around to suit himself. I wanted to balance the scales a little.   Greg, if you do read this...please...become a comedy was always your forte. We are a very funny family and I mean that in an hilarious way!"

If this is in fact the commentary of his older sister Amanda Pink nee Hallett the tone makes it clear she is as bossy, arrogant and self important as she is projecting onto Greg Hallett .. a case of little brother outshining older bossy sister with a general lack of empathy for his efforts and resulting targetting, her ego focussed on self, and her limited awareness and concern in general for others.. she displays no real interest in his work and his efforts to expose corruption etc. A lazy thinker and a person happy to attack others, including relatives, for their research efforts.

Today Greg is on Bitchute an alternative to Youtube.. and he writes:

Kingof.UK records Predictive Programming forming an interrelating pattern beyond manufacture, which hints at a history to be unveiled. It clearly states some Royal Families are fake, others more true, and others destined. Constantly regard the universe as one living being, having one substance and one soul; and observe how all things have reference to one perception, the perception of this one living being; and how all things act with one movement; and how all things are the cooperating causes of all things which exist; observe too the continuous spinning of the thread and the contexture of the web. – The Meditations, Emperor Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (161–180) [Quite possibly Jesus' Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandson, as per his writing, and ’The Hidden King of England – Arma Christi,’ p. 1056.] Predictive Programming: when media – film, books, or public works – describe a Person of Interest well ahead of time, to the near exclusion of all others, alluding to their relevant actions and real status in props, lines, names, themes and subsequent movies. When the scenario codes are unveiled, they cannot be unseen, resulting in a recognizable story fulfilled … and everyone knows. This ratifies the myth, legend and prediction in the Person of Interest, who then brings more material to support the objective. Predictive Programming sidesteps the massive public relations exercise normally required to associate a person with an outcome [as per a politician and their promises]. Predictive Programming was anciently created to specify the right person in the right place at the right time to create an important and timely outcome, foreseen as a necessity. This outcome may have already been accomplished, fully, partially, or continuing ... by the time they become known.
Predictive Programming … ancient and current cooperating causes … a mark of the one and only … right man for the job … well worth listening too … has the codes … unveils the secrets … reveals the true drivers … and already has an accurate history. The truth is remarkably precise in its unbelievability.

Tarot card readers, including Sherlock Tarot and Amma have also done a number of videos attracting attention to their channel doing readings of Greg Hallett and raising their popularity / traffic in the process.

Of the two I trust "Sherlock Tarot" more than Amma who is "piggy backing" which is form of grifting. Amma's Playlist..

Who wants to discuss in depth his books and legal claim now?

Kingof.UK under cyberattack by technocRATS.. documents inaccessible.

Meanwhile on Twitter... filmmakers ascend upon Greg Hallett in UK..

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