

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Updated: King John III Intel - Diana's Death - The Hallett Report 2015 - Joseph Gregory Hallett - Kingship claimed

My fifth video channel removed, video is backed-up to the channel on bitchute.. so much censorship.

King John III Intel - Diana's Death: Excerpt from Hallett Report No. 8 (

2015 interview excerpt with Jim Fetzer The Real Deal 
King John III website: -- More videos and updates at Youtube "King of uk" channel: King of UK - YouTube

Greg sites were all hacked/sabotaged/taken over at The Hallett Report, The World of, Greg - he is being robbed and lied about.

which way humanity?

Despite the appearance of the ugly sisters in NZ with MSeeker's channel... Greg Hallett has done his best to remain above the hatred and squashed the trolls such as M Seeker [an agent of the deepstate who is also an attention needy grifter.]
Hallett's work in exposing corruption is epic...

M Seeker does not do his research at all and has blocked me on his Twitter, says a lot:

No mention of the significance of the numerous books produced by Greg Hallett and their powerful impact -- M Seeker is very good at creating distraction media/misinformation... he enjoys it.

Noticed the old man in the picture above their heads kind of resembles old version of Greg.

Tamara, Amanda, and Mum Wendy in this video posted on 9 August 2020 by M Seeker ... watch at this link:  
Greg Hallett - Family - YouTube

The family talk about his great sense of humour but undermine him and his efforts disparagingly.

Its unfortunate that his is a fractured family with a couple of hater sisters dominating... but this is something that does happen when a family loses their patriarch Dad as they did in the 80s. I'm sure they all miss their Dad and what was no doubt his calming and paternal influence on them all.

Sadly, Greg's Dad died in August 1985 so Greg would have turned 24 shortly after his Dad's death.
I visited New Zealand in 1991 when I was 24...

some commentary on the video... [mine was deleted along with my account]

Judi Oliver
I so enjoyed this, thank you so much for sharing. I know you are worried, we all are, because we sense there are very dark forces at work in this time in history. I am a woman of faith in the Most High God, who created us all. I believe He is calling us to drink from the well of purity and not the well of bitterness. I would so love, and I just know there are so many others who would love it too. Can we hear some of your stories (not too personal), of your good times together. So we can understand all of this a little more. I can see you are all such wonderful characters, you all have such a great sense of humour. I can see there is so much real love there. Can you put aside your worry for a time, and tell us of the lovely times you've had with Greg. If you want to. Thank you so much.

What lovely faces you all have. I really like what Gregg is doing, and the timing of it all is incredible, don't you think? I'm making up my own mind but thanks for what you have said. Couldn't really see the photos or the certificate and I gather there's a real skill in putting things up on these screens. All the best to you all. I think Gregg would make a masterful King and be much better than the wicked windsors. They seem to have disappeared since he's arrived on the scene so that's a really tremendous favour he's done for all us in itself. Take good care.

Royal disappearing has nothing to do with greg, I made a follow up video with all officiated documents pertaining to his actual ancestory that has no royal bloodline, it's called lineage lies Charlie ward has just admitted greg hallett being the 'rightful king of england' was a lie all along Wake up!
Greg is in his glory in a forest [source: Carol's Magdalene Trip ( ]

More at Greg's website:

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