

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Misinfo Video on the Greg Hallett death hoax from 2014 [2020 youtube commentary by Oz Trooper]

More distraction media using Greg Hallett's name in the title of her YouTube video... she's called "The Earth's History Was Confusing"channel and is found here mumbling, highlighting a disinfo site with a death hoax, and more. . through the video she is misspeaking and misrepresenting on Greg's work, the disproven death hoax, 'history' and she is mispronouncing many words and names and as well she claims [at 16:40] she gets paid [in crypto] for streams.. "its so cool" she says.. yeah.... I bet it is dear.... "Oz Trooper" seems to think Greg Hallett is a freemason and deceiving people according to her closing comments in this video... life in Australia looks pretty rough right now... Oz Trooper (@TrooperOz) / Twitter .. at least you still have your Twitter and Youtube to let us all know about it...  right? Brisbane Queensland Australia... which just looks amazingly beautiful... Guide to Brisbane - Tourism Australia

Why in 2020 she'd make this video? Distraction media... death hoax was called out by Greg years ago.
Greg Hallett isn't a member of the masons or the rosicrucians so why did this woman say that he was?
Greg has good intentions... I don't doubt his efforts or his true goals are for the betterment of society.

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