

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Facebook Gary Gnu post on Susan Standfield in 2020 Author of "Betrayed" Gets Some Flack

Received a private Instagram message today from "Michelle" suggesting to take a look at the expose online of Canada's health advocate Susan who is now living in the UK with her children and English husband:  Susan's website: 
New tab (

A Queen's University alumni and global change agent Susan Standfield has been kind to me online.

Asked by "Michelle" to go to check out on Facebook [inaccessible] "Marjorie Crow"  Facebook  

And linked to messaging of "Gary Gnu"as follows:

Gary Gnu

So this was posted the other day... I’ll give some background. I’m one of the lucky 4 btw. This works in my advantage so thank you Susan Standfield! I’m happy to know I’m not associated with the flat earth movement or racism. I do see colour and I’m appalled that you don’t but understand when you hang around a group of neo-nazis. Hate to burst your bubble regarding the media and BLM but POP! BLM! I sympathize with your logic because of the jealousy factor that the majority of the global population doesn’t follow you or agree with you or even know who you are. And yes, all lives matter, but right now a large group of these lives have been mistreated so hence the BLM!

Step out of your bubble, look around, fact check yourself, don’t hit send on an aggressive posting before you’ve had a moment to reflect on it. Even better, call a reliable friend with a good sense of judgement to review it. Once it’s out there, no takesy backsees! Your posting sincerely doesn’t make sense. There are a couple of topics you’ve touched on while attaching a BLM rally image.

You are correct, non of the classy folks have said anything negative on social media about you. But I can tell you the conversations are very enjoyable. I posted a video about my embarrassment towards one of your many postings as I received some negative comments from people knowing our relationship. So fact check, I’ve posted my disappointment and point of view, nobody else. Still standing, I am embarrassed as is the “classy and asshole” people. We’re all shocked by your extreme activism activities that cover a broad range of topics. One of the first conversations when we catch up does include you, “have you seen her latest posting?” Followed by a barrel of laughter and then we hope your father hasn’t because it really hurts him.

When your father was in hospital you spent more energy trying to discredit the medical professionals than calling to say, “I love you.” You have the nerve to refer to my mother as an asshole who has always been beside her husband, your father, when you have not. Unless you needed money, then smiles all around until your greedy little paws get a fix and you’re out. Your father is an incredible loving caring man and your antics and lack of compassion hurt him greatly. But through it all, my asshole mother is there to lift him back up and care for him. She’s always been there, you haven’t.

Whether you understand it or not, they love each other and support one another through thick and thin. Your sorely mistaken when you believe blood is the only bonding mechanism between people. He’s my step dad on paper, but to me he’s my father too. I love him, respect him and care for him. I speak with him regularly and when I can travel to B.C. again, I’ll be there to hug him and enjoy our amazing conversations on the back deck with a glass of wine. Relationships are built on trust and respect, not blood. I know I can count on my friends when I need them, they’re my family too.

Your father once told me when I was a teenager, “Gary, your judged by your piers whom you associate yourself with.” He didn’t say I couldn’t hang out with some less savoury characters that I was prone to back then. But he made me think. So, to this day I live by those words. Its not all rainbows by any stretch, but I do have a solid core of “classy and asshole” associations. Many of which have been in my life pro-choice regardless of family or marriage.

Hopefully one day you’ll apply yourself in a positive way and see something through to fruition. Your inability to be successful and track record of failures must be extremely difficult and frustrating on you. Rather than pointing the blame at the world, work on you, focus on one worthy task. My suggestion is start by earning the trust and respect from not just your “classy” group, but the other 4 assholes too. You see, while you’ve been chopping and changing your mind on an occupation the rest of us have all been plugging along at life. All while you condemn us too.

We’ve had family gatherings “classy and assholes” under one roof. Only person missing was you. You’ve segregated yourself from us on your own free will and lashed out at us. Both “classy and asshole” nieces, nephews and cousins have all been present at these events over the years, again, only person missing was you.

Life is too short. Don’t waste it. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Relationships take work on all levels, but I can tell you the reward is well worth it. To know that my “classy and asshole” family genuinely respect me and love me for who I am. We’ve all had obstacles in our lives and overcome them because we worked through them and not at them. When I’ve wronged I’ve apologized. I’ve forgiven “classy and asshole” family members when they’ve wronged me too. This is life. In the end its not how famous you are that matters, its whose lives you’ve touched positively because one day you’re here the next your not. I’ll live on for generations to come because I genuinely love my “classy and asshole” family and all their kin.

So to sum it up, if all that I do and have done has created such animosity between us for you to label me as an asshole, then I’m the biggest asshole to grace the earth. So which goes without saying but I suppose I need to explain it to you, the classy group are also a bunch of classy assholes. While you peer out of your bubble you’ll be sure to see that we’re all together without you. I would love to share these memories and times with you and your family as well. All of us classy assholes miss you. But as long as you attack us its a hard pill to choke down. I sincerely wish you all the success and fame you seek and look forward to you being in our classy asshole lives when you’re ready. We’ve always been here, you haven’t.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like Sue's blaming of Bell Media for her issues with her family isn't exactly true but, nothing Sue says is exactly true now is it? Nuggets of truth blended in with wild exaggerations and down right lies keeps the "grift" going. Sue fled Canada while under investigation for fraud with regards to her "fundraising" for Lytton. She's currently living illegally in the UK. The house of cards is about to come tumbling down.
