

Saturday, September 16, 2023

End Times Prophecy Being Fulfilled! They Left Us 3 Signs Pt 1! The END of Evil is Upon Us - Carrie Kohan with Greg Hallett at "King of UK" Youtube

Commentary found at the video... 

Additional commentary here:

The gargoyles you speak of are Dragons. Dragons are comprised of three genetic combinations... a Lioness, a Bird of Pray and a Snake. The Triple Solar Goddess is returning back into her female Solar Dragon form, as the Solar Christ Mary Sophia and 13th Dragon Queen, to reclaim her rightful place as the Solar Feminine Christ on the planet, representing the Cosmic Mother Dragon and joining with her sacred husband Christ Michael in hierogamic union. Atlantian Solar Dragon Queen Merida’s re-emergence into the organic timelines and her return into the Albion network is the literal and figurative physical embodiment of the Cosmic Mother Rainbow Dragon, the Mother of the World, and protector of the Arthurian Grail line. On a side note... think 'Game of Thrones' ? (2011-2019). What did that morph into? Try 'House of the Dragon'! (2022) Oh my... the power of distraction... text-green-game-overmore like it!!! Who are the noble ones that have manifested their 'Iron Thrones'? Name your throne ??? in real TIME if you get my 'Driftmark' lol?! Moving on... to emphasize the most profound need of the hour... that of collectively comprehending/owning WHY the common thread here is all to do with 'Dragon Queen Lineage'. Hello people! As they use to say on 'Dad's Army'... "Have you been watching?" While the going's good let me take the liberty of sharing a few outstanding excerpts I have garnered from the 'Energetic Synthesis' platform 🙏 ... To introduce the Atlantian Solar Dragon Queen Merida, first we must understand the planetary negative alien invasion history and their intentional utter destruction of the organic spiritual consciousness of the Holy Mother’s presence and her sophianic daughter’s solar female principle in this planet, that was originally designed as a unified solar equal of eternal Cosmic Christos Consciousness. Such are the many histories across the globe that ensued with the stories of female witch hunts and erupted hysterias of false accusations made of women supposedly doing the devils work, through which to effectively persecute and kill off the solar female with embodied sophianic wisdom, not unlike the misogynistic targeting that still persists even today. Solar Christ Mary is a title of the spiritually embodied triple solar daughters of the Cosmic Mother Dragon, or Holy Mother Sophia. Retrieving their spiritual parts and their identities meant facing our planet’s devastatingly painful history of invasion, and would take us through the dark maze of discovery that she was once completely embodied as the intelligent creator of this planetary matrix. It was her head or global brain they removed from the planetary logos or magnetosphere during the Gaian Wars. During evolutionary rounds, she embodied and took the Solar Dragon Maji Grail Queen position in an angelic human diamond sun form, and one such identity was during the Atlantian timelines when Dragon Queen Merida embodied as a prolific ancient builder architect and city planner for the colonies. Dragon Queen Merida is known for her genius level intelligence, symmetrical perfection of physical beauty, and her innate spiritual powers as the sacred breath of the holy spirit that animates living things. These structures are necessary for the triple solar embodiment of King Arthur’s wife, as Solar Dragon Queen Merida-Guinevere-Brigid in their complete Mahara Reisha triple peachsicle solar suns spirit body, which is specific to her triple solar feminine embodiment as a cosmological principle. Through Merida’s solar divine spark carried through her dragon ouroboros lines, she ran her solar body frequencies into the planet in order to make the connections from the planetary triple rose lines into her peach rose sun-star network with the celestial star constellation pathways in the Albion leading all the way back to her eternal Aton Body, and then into Cosmic Mothers White Sun located in the God Worlds. Sending y'all lashings of Aroha Nui from 'The Land of First Light' 🐓🐬🕊✴
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King of UK
Right on sister.
Thanks for your enlightened feedback Greg, as the saying goes... "We've got this!" Onward and upward 🙏 @KingofUK 

Who is this Greg Hallett supporter aka "The Daring Poppy"?
At her Youtube Channel:  The Daring Poppy - YouTube

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