

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Updated: Trans Rights Are Big Pharma Profits - Megan Mitton, Arthur Taylor, Occupy Movement, Fredericton, NB Coalition for Transgender Rights on Facebook

 Originally posted 11/25/2023

Read more here with advocate Rebecca:

Rebecca Jean Rogers on Facebook ... 

Being trans is not easy these days. From people making fun of you on the streets, to people telling you to 41% yourself. Which for those of you who don't know is a reference to the attempted suicide rate among trans people. Although it is somewhat misleading. People calling you a groomer. Not to mention outright murder. That is what prompted me to write this, the murder of Brianna Ghey a 16 year old trans woman a couple of days ago. She was stabbed to death by two 16 year Olds for no better reason than she was trans.
I can take all the harassment that people want to throw at me. Even the 41% thing, although I am part of that statistic. What pisses me off is that people feel that they have the right to do these things. Especially murder. The last three years have been the three deadliest years for trans people, especially trans people of colour, being killed. And we are well on our way to another record year in 2023. We must not let this continued extermination of our people continue. We must fight to try and keep all people, but especially trans people, and especially trans people of colour safe from the admittedly few, but vocal and violent, who want to cause us harm."

News article here:

N.B. network launched to raise awareness of transgender rights | Country 94

8 March 2023 "A transgender woman has launched a new group in the hopes of stopping the hate.

Rebecca Rogers recently formed the Transgender Rights Action Network for New Brunswick.

They already have over 20 supporters but Rogers expects others, “I didn’t come out until I was 49. Having such an organization will help realise that it’s okay to come out and that they can live happy fulfilling lives.”

She says their hope is to raise awareness of transgender rights and also offer support, “There is a growing movement amongst right-wing people to attack transgender rights. I wanted to create an organization that would stop this in its tracks.”

They are planning to mark International Transgender Day of Visibility on March 31st, with an event outside Moncton City Hall.

Rogers adds they’ll also hold their first annual general meeting in April, and they are still looking for Board members.

One of the first initiatives for the Network is a petition promoting the right for transgender women to have the cost of breast augmentation covered by the province.

“Currently, the fees are covered for transgender men to have a mastectomy without paying out of pocket, but if transgender women want to have it done, they have to pay for it.”

More details about the Network can currently be found on its Facebook page. Rogers is hoping to launch a website for the organization in the future."

Who is Arthur Taylor is he working with Rebecca Jean Rogers?  

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